
Piers Plowman as an Allegory

By Golam Mortuja

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Question — Essay-type 

Discuss “Piers Plowman” as an allegory of life.


“Piers Plowman” is a calm allegorical exposition of the corruptions of the state, of the church and of social life. It is designed not to rouse the people to violent resistance to bloody vengeance, but to reveal to them the true causes of the evils. In a single words, it can be said that the poem is an allegory, the good and bad qualities of human nature. “Piers Plowman” is full of moral, dream and personification allegory.

Piers Plowman — A Moral Allegory 

“Piers Plowman” is a moral allegory. There are good and bad qualities that try to capture the soul of “Piers Plowman”. Piers is Christ himself. He symbolizes righteous living–Do-well, Do-better, and Do-best. It is through the allegory that Langland denounces the various vices prevailing in the English society. The poet makes use of such numerous entities as conscience, confession, imagination, learning, wit, charity, patience, falsehood, wrong etc.

Piers Plowman — A Dream Allegory 

“Piers Plowman” is a dream allegory. Here the poet falls asleep and sees a dream. In his dream, he sees a vision of the world. He sees the crowd in which there were pilgrims, merchants, saints, beggars, affairs, pardoners, farmers, a king and an angel. This crowd is gathered between the Tower of Truth and Prison. Truth is the sign of God while the Prison is the center of evil souls.

In this poem the poet seems Meed, a charming lady who comes out of the fort wearing a golden crown on her head with valuable dresses and ornaments. She is the representative of the Holy Church. She tells that the tower is the home of God who meets all the needs of men. The Prison or Dungeon is the home of the father of lies. That lady stamps upon the poet, the great importance of Truth and Love which are the great virtues of life. The chief angel of heaven Lucifer was proud and arrogant. Hence he had to pay the price for his sin who realizes the importance of truth and tense. The way of heaven will be easy for them.


We may conclude that “Piers Plowman” is a true picture of the age. It is a national monument of England. The poem shows us ‘the reflection of the intellect, the moral sentiments and social habits and opinions of the time.’ The poem provides the inner insight into the life of people. The whole theme of the poem has been treated allegorically. Thus, the poem becomes an allegory of life.

Golam Mortuja

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