
Look, Stranger Text

By Golam Mortuja

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W. H. Auden [1907-1973] : Poetry : Look, Stranger

Look, Stranger : Text

Look, stranger, on this island now

The leaping light for your delight discovers,

Stand stable here

And silent be,

That through the channels of the ear

May wander like a river

The swaying sound of the sea.

Here at a small field’s ending pause

Where the chalk wall falls to the foam and its tall ledges

Oppose the pluck

And knock of the tide,

And the shingle scrambles after the sucking surf,

And a gull lodges

A moment on its sheer side.

Far off like floating seeds the ships

Diverge on urgent voluntary errands,

And this full view

Indeed may enter

And move in memory as now these clouds do,

That pass the harbour mirror

And all the summer through the water saunter.


Important Word-notes

stranger (n.) : foreigner, unfamiliar or unknown person 

island (n.) : a piece of land surrounded by water

leaping (participle adj.) : springing

delight (n.) : joy, pleasure, happiness 

discovers (v.) : finds 

stable (adj.) : firm, fixed 

channels (n.) : routes 

wander (v.) : move aimlessly 

swaying (participle adj.) : moving back and forth 

foam (n.) : light frothy mass of bubbles 

ledges (n.) : shelves of rocks

oppose (v.) : resist, hinder 

pluck (n.) : pulling 

knock (n.) : strike 

tide (n.) : current, flow 

shingle (n.) : thin piece of stone 

scrambles (v.) : mixes together confusedly 

sucking (participle adj.) : drawing in and out 

surf (n.) : waves, foam formed by waves 

gull (n.) : seagull, a kind of sea-bird with long wings and webbed feet 

lodges (v.) : stays, stops 

sheer (adj.) : very steep 

far off (adj.) : distant, remote

floating (participle adj.) : resting on water 

diverge (v.) : branch off from a common point, go off in different directions from a center

urgent (adj.) : important, emergency 

voluntary (adj.) : done by free choice 

errands (n.) : tasks or businesses accomplished by short tripping 

harbour (n.) : sheltered section of water where ships anchor 

saunter (n.) : wander, meander, drift 

Golam Mortuja

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