
Terrorism Paragraph

Terrorism : A Threat to Mankind Question Write a paragraph in about 150 — 200 words on ‘Terrorism’ which becomes now-a-days a great threat to the ...

Kanyashree Prakalpa Paragraph

Kanyashree Prakalpa Question Write a paragraph in about 150 — 200 words on ‘Kanyashree Prakalpa’. [10] [Hints : Introduction — purpose of the scheme — condition ...

Telephone Connection Letter

New Telephone Connection with High Speed Broadband Facility Question Write a letter to your Junior Technical Officer of your nearest Telephone Exchange for a broad-band connection ...

Change of Address Letter

Change of Address Question Write a letter to the Post Master of your local Post Office informing your change of address so that all your postal ...

Opening Bank Account Letter

Request for Opening a New Savings Bank Account Question Write a letter to the manager of your local nationalized bank for opening a savings bank account ...

Education Loan Letter

For Education Loan Question Write a letter to the Manager of the Bank for Education Loan. (Word-limit : 150 words) [2+8=10 ] To The Manager,  United Bank ...

Loss of Mobile Phone Letter

Loss of Mobile Phone Question Suppose you have lost your mobile phone. Now write a letter to the OC of your local police station requesting him ...

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