
Beelzebub in Paradise Lost

By Golam Mortuja

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The Role of Beelzebub in Paradise Lost Book I


Beelzebub is Satan’s bold compeer and next to him in power and next in crime. He possesses remarkable qualities of the head and heart. He is equal to his chief in intellectual capabilities. A comparative study between Satan and Beelzebub in this respect sometimes ever mark the latter as superior. There are times when he has shown greater practical wisdom and keener foresight than Satan.

Beelzebub’s Lacking Satan’s High Spirit

Though Beelzebub has shown greater practical wisdom and keener insight than Satan, he certainly lacks Satan’s high spirit which always defies every adversity. Beelzebub does not share his chief’s ‘unconquerable will’. The stunning fall has robbed him of all his strength. He lies limp and lifeless in the fiery lake of Hell like any of his companions. He looks round and looks ahead and sees to well. “The dire event that with sad overthrow and foul defeat had lost us Heaven.” While Satan tries to revive their spirit of his depressed companions by fiery speeches, Beelzebub simply repents having risen in revolt against God. His calculation presents a gloomy view of the rebel angels’ future. But his observations manifest his prescience and practical wisdom.

Beelzebub’s Fellow-feeling and Magnanimity

Beelzebub in his first speech does not blame Satan for their humiliation. On the other hand he compliments him for his courageous and skillful leadership. This speaks of a noble mind. He addressed his leader with dew respect and speaks highly of his qualities. We find him as a man pitifully broken down under the pressure of adverse circumstances and sitter disillusionment. It was Satan who united the angels against God by convincing them that they were so powerful enough to overpower him. The defeat proves that his assessment was entirely wrong. But Beelzebub is too sympathetic and considerate to bring charges against Satan in this moment of crisis. He mourns over the misfortune of the rebel angels, but he does not regret his own separately. It reveals his fellow-feeling and magnanimity.

Beelzebub’s Despair

Beelzebub’s review of their failure has a clear tone of despair. It is true that they have not been annihilated. But the situation they have been brought to is no less horrible. Satan is encouraged by the fact that still they retain vigour. But Beelzebub is afraid that perhaps they are left with immoral vigour so that they might suffer pain through eternity or work for God as serves in Hell.

“Here in the heart of Hell to work in fire
 Or do his Errands in the gloomy Deep;”

As they cannot frustrate God’s will, their strength will be of little avail.

Beelzebub’s Wisdom

Beelzebub has wisdom, but he lacks Satan’s political shrewdness and qualities of leadership. While Satan tries to hide their weaknesses by clever excuses, Beelzebub frankly admits the superiority of the Almighty. While Satan tries to impart a noble colour to their rebellion, Beelzebub clearly represents their foolishness. He does not show any intention of embracing even only to oppose God. The plan of Satan exposes him as an unscrupulous seeker for self-interest. But Beelzebub is markedly honest, straightforward and simple. He is too noble to be jealous of God.

Beelzebub’s Observation

Beelzebub shows the qualities of a clever debater. At the beginning of his speech he appears to agree with Satan but gradually he explains his own views which differ from those of Satan. His observations and advices are moderate, reasonable and unimpassioned. He is always precise, but forceful in his speeches.


Beelzebub is a perfect foil to Satan in every respect. Satan’s dominating and overbearing personally has made him come into the lime light of our attention. But Beelzebub is made of milder stuff. His wisdom, honest, frankness and tranquillity make him an essentially human character. He automatically wins a place in our heart.


Questions of Universities

[I] Does Beelzebub fulfil his role of Satan’s second in command in ‘Paradise Lost Book I’?
[II] Discuss the role of Beelzebub in Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost Book I’.
[III] “Beelzebub plays a major role next to Satan in Paradise Lost Book I.” Do you agree?
[IV] “Beelzebub is a perfect foil to Satan in every respect in Paradise Lost Book I.” Do you agree?

Golam Mortuja

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