
Three Questions MCQ

By Golam Mortuja

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Three Questions

Leo Tolstoy [1828-1910]

MCQ — 1 Mark

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1️⃣ Who wrote ‘Three Questions’?

(a) Leo Tolstoy
(b) Anne Frank
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Katherine Mansfield.

2️⃣ Name the writer’s another universally acknowledged book 

(a) The Prince
(b) War and Peace
(c) Democracy
(d) The Universe

3️⃣ *The title ‘Tsar’ belonged to 

(a) the Prime Minister of Great Britain
(b) the President of Russia
(c) the King of Japan
(d) the King of Russia. [WBCHSE Sample Question]

4️⃣ *For what three questions does the Tsar want answers? [WBCHSE Sample Question] 

(a) The most important time; the most person; and the most important thing to do.
(b) The best way to get rich; the best person who can help him get rich; and the best place to achieve this.
(c) The least important time; the least important person; and the least important thing to do.
(d) The secret of eternal happiness; the person who can help him secure it; and the place where it can be found.

5️⃣ *The Tsar wanted answers to three important questions so that he could be

(a) powerful
(b) successful
(c) rich
(d) more intelligent. [WBCHSE Sample Question] 

6️⃣ The Tsar declared a great reward for the person who would 

(a) be the bravest
(b) be the wisest
(c) be able to defeat him in war
(d) be able to answer his three questions.

7️⃣ In order to get answers to his three questions the Tsar declared to offer 

(a) half of his kingdom
(b) his own daughter
(c) a big reward
(d) a part of his wealth.

8️⃣ Whom did the Tsar call at first to answer his three questions? 

(a) the peasants of the field
(b) the brave warriors
(c) the learned men
(d) the hermit.

9️⃣ *All the learned men answered the Tsar’s questions 

(a) wisely
(b) satisfactorily
(c) convincingly
(d) differently.

1️⃣0️⃣ In reply to the first question, some people advised him to make a 

(a) wall clock
(b) table of days, months and years
(c) board of wise men
(d) big army.

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1️⃣1️⃣ Who would help the Tsar to fix the proper time to begin everything? 

(a) teachers
(b) astrologers
(c) council of wise men
(d) ministers.

1️⃣2️⃣ To the happenings of future beforehand one must consult a/an 

(a) doctor
(b) astrologer
(c) magician
(d) wise man.

1️⃣3️⃣ With the answer to the second question, the Tsar was 

(a) happy
(b) satisfied
(c) dissatisfied
(d) sad.

1️⃣4️⃣ To the third question as to what was the most important occupation the replies received by the Tsar were

(a) arts, commerce, science and business
(b) religious war, skills in war and science
(c) science, skill in warfare, religious worship
(d) science, skill in warfare, religious tolerance.

1️⃣5️⃣ *The Tsar was unhappy with all the answers he received because

(a) they were wrong
(b) he did not agree with any of them
(c) the answers were the same
(d) all of the above. [WBCHSE Sample Question] 

1️⃣6️⃣ *Whom does the Tsar finally approach for the answers? [WBCHSE Sample Question] 

(a) a hermit renowned for his wisdom
(b) a doctor well-known for his healing touch
(c) a wizard famous for his magic spells
(d) an astrologer who can accurately foretell the future.

1️⃣7️⃣ The hermit lived in a 

(a) village
(b) cave
(c) wood
(d) cottage.

1️⃣8️⃣ *The hermit never quitted 

(a) the cottage he lived in
(b) the road he could see
(c) the retreat he lived in
(d) the wood he lived in. [WBCHSE Sample Question] 

1️⃣9️⃣ The hermit came to the locality 

(a) once
(b) often
(c) rarely
(d) never.

2️⃣0️⃣ *The hermit received none but

(a) Emperors
(b) Kings
(c) Common folk
(d) the Tsar. [WBCHSE H.S. 2018] 

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2️⃣1️⃣ The Tsar disguised himself as a/an 

(a) woodcutter
(b) farmer
(c) common man
(d) queen.

2️⃣2️⃣ *The Tsar went to the hermit

(a) alone
(b) with his horse
(c) with his friends
(d) with his guards.

2️⃣3️⃣ When the Tsar went to the wood, the hermit was

(a) cooking
(b) bathing
(c) digging the ground
(d) breathing heavily.

2️⃣4️⃣ *When the Tsar approached, the hermit was digging the ground in front of his

(a) hut
(b) room
(c) bed
(d) forest.

2️⃣5️⃣ *Why does the Tsar disguise his appearance before the meeting? [WBCHSE Sample Question]

(a) The Tsar did not want to reveal his identity.
(b) The Tsar found his royal clothes too heavy to wear while travelling.
(c) The Tsar was fond of tricking people with various disguises.
(d) The Tsar knew that enemies were waiting to attack him on the way.

2️⃣6️⃣ *The hermit was 

(a) tall and weak
(b) short and weak
(c) frail and strong
(d) frail and weak. [WBCHSE H.S. 2017] 

2️⃣7️⃣ *The Tsar asked the hermit 

(a) one question
(b) two questions
(c) four questions
(d) three questions. [WBCHSE H.S. 2015] 

2️⃣8️⃣ The hermit listened to the Tsar, but 

(a) answered nothing
(b) got angry
(c) rebuked him
(d) insulted him.

2️⃣9️⃣ *After listening to the Tsar, the hermit 

(a) smiled and greeted him heartily
(b) spat on the ground
(c) turned grave and thoughtful
(d) spat on his own hand.

3️⃣0️⃣ *“You are tired.” Here the word ‘you’ refers to

(a) the Tsar
(b) the wounded man
(c) the hermit
(d) the bodyguard of the Tsar.

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3️⃣1️⃣ *When the hermit asked the Tsar to rest awhile and let him work 

(a) the Tsar hid the spade
(b) the Tsar threw away the spade
(c) the Tsar did not give him the spade but repeated his questions again
(d) the Tsar did not give him the spade and continued to dig.

3️⃣2️⃣ The Tsar helped the hermit by 

(a) cooking food for him
(b) carrying his luggages
(c) digging the ground for him
(d) washing his clothes.

3️⃣3️⃣ *The Tsar stopped digging when he had dug

(a) two beds
(b) one bed
(c) three beds
(d) four beds.

3️⃣4️⃣ The Tsar became restless after spending

(a) 15 minutes
(b) 2 hours
(c) 1 hour
(d) the whole day.

3️⃣5️⃣ When the Tsar was about to return home, they saw a man

(a) come running
(b) come limping
(c) squatting on the ground
(d) hacking a tree.

3️⃣6️⃣ Blood was flowing from under the man’s

(a) hands
(b) stomach
(c) chest
(d) leg.

3️⃣7️⃣ They found in the man’s stomach 

(a) a wound
(b) a knife
(c) a mark
(d) a birthmark.

3️⃣8️⃣ The Tsar nursed the man and 

(a) washed and bandaged his wound
(b) gave him medicine
(c) gave him injection
(d) fed him.

3️⃣9️⃣ The Tsar bandaged the man with 

(a) gauze
(b) his handkerchief
(c) a handkerchief and a towel
(d) a band-aid.

4️⃣0️⃣ *The Tsar took from the hermit 

(a) a towel
(b) a handkerchief
(c) a gauze
(d) a shirt to bandage the man’s wound.

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4️⃣1️⃣ *After he survived, the bearded man asked for 

(a) food
(b) drink
(c) rest
(d) pardon.

4️⃣2️⃣ The Tsar and the hermit laid the wounded man on the bed of the 

(a) Tsar’s palace
(b) hermit’s hut
(c) fellow villager’s cottage
(d) village priest’s house.

4️⃣3️⃣ *The Tsar laid the wounded man on the 

(a) floor
(b) bed
(c) porch
(d) threshold.

4️⃣4️⃣ *The Tsar fell asleep after a day of physical

(a) palpitation
(b) enervation
(c) inaction
(d) stagnation.

4️⃣5️⃣ The Tsar slept 

(a) on the threshold
(b) beside the bed
(c) underneath a tree
(d) on a cot.

4️⃣6️⃣ As the man looked at the Tsar, his eyes were 

(a) dim
(b) flashing
(c) shining
(d) bright.

4️⃣7️⃣ *When the Tsar woke up, the wounded man asked from him 

(a) his property
(b) his purse
(c) his forgiveness
(d) a glass of water.

4️⃣8️⃣ *The wounded man was actually 

(a) enemy of the hermit
(b) enemy of the Tsar
(c) friend of the Tsar
(d) disciple of the hermit. [WBCHSE H.S. 2019, 2022]

4️⃣9️⃣ *The bearded man’s real intention was to 

(a) kill his brother
(b) meet the hermit
(c) take revenge upon the Tsar
(d) answer the Tsar’s questions.

5️⃣0️⃣ *The man wanted to avenge the death of his 

(a) brother
(b) father
(c) uncle
(d) son.

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5️⃣1️⃣ The Tsar had executed the wounded man’s 

(a) father
(b) wife
(c) son
(d) brother.

5️⃣2️⃣ *The bearded man had been hiding in a/an 

(a) ambulance
(b) bush
(c) ambush
(d) none of these.

5️⃣3️⃣ *The bearded man was wounded by 

(a) the Tsar’s son
(b) the Tsar’s friend
(c) the Tsar himself
(d) the Tsar’s bodyguard. [WBCHSE H.S. 2016]

5️⃣4️⃣ The Tsar gave the wounded man 

(a) his purse
(b) his handkerchief
(c) his forgiveness
(d) a glass of water.

5️⃣5️⃣ The Tsar was glad as 

(a) his enemy failed to kill him
(b) he could kill his enemy
(c) he could meet the hermit
(d) he could make peace with an enemy so easily.

5️⃣6️⃣ *When the Tsar in the story ‘Three Questions’ met the hermit for the last time, the hermit was

(a) digging the ground
(b) sowing seeds
(c) nursing the wounded man
(d) praying in the hut.

5️⃣7️⃣ “If you had not pitied my weakness….” Who said this? 

(a) the Tsar
(b) the hermit
(c) the courtier
(d) the wounded man.

5️⃣8️⃣ According to the hermit, the most important time is

(a) our present
(b) our past
(c) our future
(d) tomorrow.

5️⃣9️⃣ *The most necessary man is he 

(a) with whom you work
(b) with whom you are
(c) with whom you live
(d) who helps you in trouble. [WBCHSE H.S. 2020]

6️⃣0️⃣ To the hermit, the most important affair is

(a) to help the poor people
(b) to help the man with whom you are
(c) to keep one’s own word
(d) to maintain friendship.

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6️⃣1️⃣ *The hermit did not answer the Tsar because

(a) he wanted the Tsar to continue digging
(b) he did not want the Tsar to dig any more
(c) he did not want the Tsar to leave
(d) he did not know how to answer the Tsar. [WBCHSE Sample Question] 

6️⃣2️⃣ *Which of these statements are true? [WBCHSE Sample Question] 

(a) The Tsar was cruel and unjust.
(b) The Tsar was kind and helpful, but he was not very clever.
(c) The Tsar was kind and helpful, but he was not strong.
(d) The Tsar was kind and helpful, but he was also shrewd and just.

6️⃣3️⃣ *Describe the sudden turn of events that take place even as the Tsar patiently waits for his answer. 

(a) A man rushes out of the forest and attacks the Tsar, wounding him grievously.
(b) A man rushes up, injured and bleeding, to the Tsar, who attends to his wounds and helps him to recover.
(c) The Tsar kills a man who tries to attack them, and the hermit attends to his wounds and helps him recover.
(d) A man rushes out of the forest and attacks the hermit, wounding him grievously.

6️⃣4️⃣ *What are the final answers to the Tsar’s three questions as declared by the hermit? [WBCHSE Sample Question] 

(a) The most important time is the past; the most important persons our ancestors; and the most important thing to do is to remember the lessons of history.
(b) The most important time is the future; the most important person is your best friend; and the most important thing to do is wait for things to happen.
(c) The most important time is the present; the most important person is the one with whom you are right now; and the most important thing to do is to help them as best as you can.
(d) The most important time is yesterday; the most important person is yourself; and the most important thing to do is to help yourself first.

6️⃣5️⃣ In the story ‘Three Questions’ the Tsar enjoyed a sound sleep that night because

(a) he got his answers
(b) he could save the wounded man’s life
(c) he was tired
(d) he could help the hermit in his work.

6️⃣6️⃣ *The short-story ‘Three Questions’ is written in a form of a 

(a) fable
(b) epistle
(c) parable
(d) gospel.

6️⃣7️⃣ *The bearded man wanted to

(a) meet the Tsar
(b) meet the hermit
(c) take revenge on the Tsar
(d) hunt in the wood. [WBCHSE H.S. 2023]

6️⃣8️⃣ *When the Tsar saw the hermit for the first time, the latter was

(a) meditating under the tree
(b) sleeping on the porch
(c) digging the soil in front of his hut
(d) talking to the villagers. [WBCHSE H.S. 2024]

6️⃣9️⃣ *The hermit was working with

(a) sickle
(b) sword
(c) spade
(d) knife.

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Answer Key👇

Question Answer
1 a
2 b
3 d
4 a
5 b
6 d
7 c
8 c
9 d
10 b
11 c
12 c
13 c
14 c
15 b
16 a
17 c
18 d
19 d
20 c
21 c
22 a
23 c
24 a
25 a
26 d
27 d
28 a
29 d
30 c
31 d
32 c
33 a
34 b
35 a
36 b
37 a
38 a
39 c
40 a
41 b
42 b
43 b
44 b
45 a
46 c
47 c
48 b
49 c
50 a
51 d
52 c
53 d
54 c
55 d
56 b
57 b
58 a
59 b
60 b
61 c
62 d
63 b
64 c
65 c
66 c
67 c
68 c
69 c

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Golam Mortuja

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