
The Poetry of Earth MCQ

By Golam Mortuja

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The Poetry of Earth MCQ

The Poetry of Earth – An Italian Sonnet

John Keats [1795-1821]

MCQ – 1 Mark
1. Who wrote ‘The Poetry of Earth’?

(A) Percy Bysshe Shelley

(B) Lord Byron

(C) William Shakespeare

(D) John Keats.

2. Which group of poets does Keats belong to?

(A) Elizabethan

(B) Metaphysical

(C) Romantic

(D) Lyric.

3. Keats was a

(A) nature poet

(B) metaphysical poet

(C) novelist

(D) dramatist.

4. *”The Poetry of Earth” is

(A) an ode

(B) a sonnet

(C) a lyric

(D) a haiku.

5. *’The Poetry of Earth’ is an example of a

(A) Shakespearean Sonnet

(B) Spensarian Sonnet

(C) Petrarchan Sonnet

(D) Miltonic Sonnet.

6. What is the rhyme-scheme of this sonnet? 

(A) abab cddc efe efe

(B) abba abba cde cde

(C) abcb abcb efg efg

(D) abba cddc ef ef ef.

7. *The octave in the sonnet ‘The Poetry of Earth’ follows the rhyme scheme

(A) abba abba

(B) abcd abcd

(C) abab cdcd

(D) acbc bcac.

8. *The sestet of ‘The Poetry of Earth’ follows the rhyme scheme 

(A) cd cd cd

(B) cdc cdc

(C) abba abba

(D) cde cde.

9. *Each line of the sonnet ‘The Poetry of Earth’ contains

(A) 8 syllables

(B) 14 syllables

(C) 10 syllables

(D) 12 syllables.

10. The octave presents the music of

(A) winter

(B) summer

(C) spring

(D) autumn.

11. In the sestet, Keats presents the music of

(A) forest

(B) birds

(C) winter season

(D) sea shore.

12. The poetry of earth is never

(A) enjoyable

(B) loud

(C) dead

(D) pleasing.

13. “When all the birds are faint” — here ‘birds are faint’ by

(A) the hot sun

(B) starvation

(C) the cold

(D) long flight.

14. *The hot sun makes the birds

(A) jovial

(B) sleepy

(C) faint

(D) energetic.

15. *The expression ‘cooling trees’ suggests the season of

(A) spring

(B) summer

(C) autumn

(D) winter.

16. *The birds hide in 
[WBCHSE H.S. 2017]

(A) shade of trees

(B) shadow of trees

(C) cold trees

(D) cooling trees.

17. The phrase, “A voice will run” suggests

(A) the movement of the cricket

(B) the movement of the grasshopper

(C) the movement of the cuckoo

(D) the movement of the thrush.

18. The word ‘mead’ means

(A) middle

(B) meadow

(C) a kind of bird

(D) food.

19. *The mead as described by Keats is 

(A) green and fresh

(B) trimmed and neat

(C) smooth

(D) new mown.

20. *Grasshoppers fly in England 
[WBCHSE Sample Question]

(A) in autumn

(B) in winter

(C) in spring

(D) in summer.

21. *The Grasshopper is associated with the season 
[WBCHSE H.S. 2018]

(A) winter

(B) autumn

(C) summer

(D) spring.

22. *“……he takes the lead”—Who is ‘he’? He is
[WBCHSE H.S. 2018]

(A) the summer

(B) the grasshopper

(C) the cricket

(D) the poet.

23. The grasshopper takes rest when it is

(A) tired

(B) bored

(C) worried

(D) pleased.

24. *Being tired the grasshopper rests beneath
[WBCHSE H.S. 2019, 2020] 

(A) a tree

(B) a bush

(C) some pleasant weed

(D) grassy hill.

25. *The weed beneath which the grasshopper rests is

(A) hot

(B) faint

(C) pleasant

(D) green.

26. The voice of the grasshopper represents

(A) gloom

(B) despair

(C) mirth

(D) sorrow.

27. *According to Keats, the music of earth ceases
[WBCHSE Sample Question] 

(A) in summer

(B) in winter

(C) in autumn

(D) at no point of time.

28. *The silence in ‘The Poetry of Earth’ has been wrought by
[WBCHSE H.S. 2015]

(A) summer

(B) winter

(C) frost

(D) rain.

29. *A winter evening is 
[WBCHSE Sample Question] 

(A) hazy

(B) silent

(C) gloomy

(D) delightful.

30. Who sings in winter evenings? 

(A) grasshopper

(B) cuckoo

(C) nightingale

(D) cricket.

31. The cricket warms the frost with its

(A) movement

(B) dance

(C) music

(D) wings.

32. *The cricket’s song increases with the increase of

(A) cold

(B) loneliness

(C) happiness

(D) warmth.

33. *The song of the cricket is heard from

(A) the new-mown mead

(B) the hiding place

(C) the hedge

(D) behind the fireplace.

34. What are the two seasons mentioned in the poem? 

(A) winter and monsoon

(B) autumn and summer

(C) summer and winter

(D) spring and winter.

35. How does the cricket’s song appear to a person half lost in drowsiness?

(A) a lady is singing

(B) the grasshopper is singing

(C) sounds of bees

(D) song of cuckoo.

36. *The person believes the cricket is the grasshopper because
[WBCHSE Sample Question] 

(A) he has actually seen the grasshopper in the grassy hills

(B) he is drowsy and cannot tell the cricket from the grasshopper

(C) the warmth of the cricket’s song leads him to imagine the grasshopper in the hills.

37. *The poetry of earth is never dead because 

(A) nature’s music can be heard through all seasons

(B) the grasshopper sings through summer

(C) the cricket sings through winter.

38. What does the poet extol in this poem? 

(A) the music of earth

(B) the song of grasshopper

(C) beauty of earth

(D) monotony of routined life.

39. *The sonnet follows the following pattern
[WBCHSE Sample Question] 

(A) octave + sestet

(B) 3 quatrains + couplet

(C) sestet + sestet + couplet.

40. *The symbol used in the poem to signify poetry 
[WBCHSE Sample Question] 

(A) cricket

(B) grasshopper

(C) music.

41. *Keats finds inspiration in 
[WBCHSE Sample Question]

(A) poetry

(B) nature

(C) language.

42. *What does Keats celebrate in this poem?
[WBCHSE Sample Question]

(A) In this poem, Keats celebrates the music of earth.

(B) In this poem, Keats celebrates the grasshopper.

(C) In this poem, Keats celebrates the cricket.

(D) In this poem, Keats celebrates autumn.

43. *Why does Keats make the voices of the grasshopper and the cricket follow each other?
[WBCHSE Sample Question]

(A) Keats makes the voices of the grasshopper and the cricket follow each other in order to bring in the cycle of seasons.

(B) Keats makes the voices of the grasshopper and the cricket follow each other in order to show diversity in nature.

(C) Keats makes the voices of the grasshopper and the cricket follow each other in order to prove that music never ceases.

(D) Keats makes the voices of the grasshopper and the cricket follow each other in order to compare their voices.

44. *The poet contrasts summer with frost and then introduces warmth into frost. Why does he do this?
[WBCHSE Sample Question]

(A) The poet does this in order to prove that the music of earth is a constant.

(B) The poet does this in order to prove that winter is not cruel.

(C) The poet does this in order to prove the difference in seasons.

(D) The poet does this in order to prove that the cricket has a better voice.

45. *Being tired, the Grasshopper rests beneath
[WBCHSE H.S. 2022]

(A) green hedge

(B) bushes

(C) pleasant weed

(D) grassy hills.

46. *The grasshopper presents live
[WBCHSE H.S. 2022]

(A) music of spring

(B) music of winter

(C) music of summer

(D) music of autumn.

47. *The cricket’s shrill song is heard on
[WBCHSE H.S. 2024]

(A) rainy afternoon

(B) sunny morning

(C) scorching noon

(D) winter evening.

1. “The Poetry of Earth” is composed by

(A) John Keats

(B) William Blake

(C) Gieve Patel

(D) William Shakespeare.

2. John Keats finds inspiration to write poetry in

(A) poetry

(B) nature

(C) language

(D) sound.

3. “That is the Grasshopper–he takes the

(A) chance

(B) nap

(C) lead

(D) weed.

4. In “The Poetry of Earth” Keats uses the contrast between

(A) winter and spring

(B) spring and summer

(C) summer and autumn

(D) summer and winter.

5. The Grasshopper sings

(A) from hedge to hedge

(B) in the forest

(C) hiding in cooling trees

(D) in a hut.

6. “The Poetry of Earth” is a/an

(A) ballad

(B) sonnet

(C) elegy

(D) ode.

7. The poetry of earth is never dead because

(A) poets never cease writing poetry

(B) readers always enjoy poetry

(C) earth is ever present as a subject in poetry

(D) nature’s music is never dead.

8. The birds mentioned in the poem, “The Poetry of Earth” are faint because

(A) they fly long time in the sky

(B) they cannot stand the excessive heat of summer

(C) they freeze in cold winter

(D) they suffer diseases.

9. Faint with the hot sun, the birds hide themselves

(A) in their nest

(B) in cooling trees

(C) under a shade

(D) in water.

10. The Grasshopper is tired out with fun because

(A) it constantly moves and sings

(B) it catches preys

(C) it eats food

(D) it is a very small creature.

11. The poet mentions two seasons in his poem, “The Poetry of Earth” to show that

(A) life is a blend of joy and woe

(B) nature is always changeable

(C) variety is the spice of life

(D) change of seasons does not affect the poetry of earth.

12. In his poem, “The Poetry of Earth” the poet, John Keats treats the

(A) season of summer

(B) season of winter

(C) season of autumn

(D) both the season of summer and winter.

13. The Grasshopper is associated with the season

(A) winter

(B) spring

(C) autumn

(D) summer.

14. The Grasshopper’s voice runs about

(A) mead newly mown

(B) fields full of crops

(C) bushes of wild growth

(D) all the countryside.

15. The Grasshopper rests beneath some pleasant weed because

(A) it is tired out with fun

(B) it feels hungry

(C) the cricket then takes the lead

(D) frost has wrought a silence.

16. The Cricket’s song is heard in

(A) the winter morning

(B) in the winter evening

(C) at night of winter

(D) in the afternoon of winter.

17. In winter a silence has been wrought by

(A) snow

(B) hail

(C) frost

(D) the north wind.

18. On a lone winter evening the man who hears the Cricket’s song sits by

(A) the table

(B) the fire place

(C) the hills

(D) the hedge.

19. According to Keats, the poetry of earth is

(A) picture

(B) music

(C) dance

(D) movement.

20. In his poem, “The Poetry of Earth” Keats celebrates

(A) the Grasshopper

(B) the Cricket

(C) the music of earth

(D) autumn.

21. The warmth of the man on a lone winter evening increases through the song of the

(A) Grasshopper

(B) Cricket

(C) Cuckoo

(D) Sparrow.

22. Keats’s poem, “The Poetry of Earth” bears the theme of

(A) insects make the earth musical

(B) poetry of earth is never dead

(C) poets always love music

(D) nature is both joyful and sorrowful.

23. “A voice will run from hedge to hedge…..” Here ‘a voice’ refers to the voice of

(A) the Grasshopper

(B) the poet

(C) the Cricket

(D) a song-bird.

24. Keats makes the voices of the Grasshopper and the Cricket follow each other in order to

(A) bring in the cycle of seasons

(B) show diversity in nature

(C) prove that music never ceases

(D) compare their voices.

25. The person believes that the Cricket is the Grasshopper because

(A) the Grasshopper sings through winter

(B) the warmth of the cricket’s song leads him to imagine the Grasshopper in the hills

(C) he is drowsy and cannot tell the Cricket from the Grasshopper

(D) he has really seen the Grasshopper in the grassy hills.

26. “He has never done with his delights.” This line suggests that

(A) the Grasshopper’s delights never come to an end

(B) the Grasshopper enjoys its movement

(C) the Grasshopper sings among some grassy hills

(D) the poetry of earth is everlasting.

27. The Grasshopper takes the lead in

(A) summer

(B) winter

(C) autumn

(D) spring luxury.

28. The song of the Cricket is heard from

(A) behind the fire-place

(B) the hedge

(C) the new-mown mead

(D) the hiding place.

29. In Keats’s sonnet, “The Poetry of Earth” the winter silence is broken by

(A) the voice of the Grasshopper

(B) the shrill chirpings of the Cricket

(C) the melodious voice of a nocturnal bird

(D) the revelry of the common people.

30. “That is the Grasshopper” Here ‘that’ refers to

(A) the beauty of the Grasshopper

(B) the colour of the Grasshopper

(C) the voice of the Grasshopper

(D) the movement of the Grasshopper.

Read The Poetry of Earth SAQ
Read The Poetry of Earth DQ

Golam Mortuja

Hello! I'm Golam Mortuja is here to share with you my own creative English study materials from pre-primary level to master's and higher English competitive level for your betterment in English language and literature. So, stay updated.


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