
The Eyes Have It MCQ

By Golam Mortuja

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The Eyes Have It

The Eyes are Not Here

The Girl on the Train

Ruskin Bond [1906-2001]

MCQ — 1 Mark

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1️⃣ The story ‘The Eyes Have It’ is written by 

(a) Khushwant Singh
(b) Ruskin Bond
(c) Rabindranath Tagore
(d) James Joyce.

2️⃣ ‘The Eyes Have It’ is a/an

(a) autobiography
(b) short story
(c) novel
(d) essay.

3️⃣ The journey in ‘The Eyes Have It’ took place in the month of

(a) September
(b) October
(c) March
(d) November.

4️⃣ *The girl in the story, “The Eyes Have It” wished to visit the 

(a) hills in Dehra
(b) tourist spots of Mussoorie
(c) hills of Mussoorie
(d) Saharanpur hills.

5️⃣ The narrator was unable to tell 

(a) where the girl was going
(b) who will receive the girl
(c) how the girl looked
(d) who his companion was.

6️⃣ “I had the train compartment to myself upto Rohana” — Here ‘I’ means

(a) myself
(b) the girl
(c) the narrator
(d) the co-passenger.

7️⃣ *The narrator had the train compartment to himself upto [WBCHSE H.S. 2018, 2022] 

(a) Saharanpur
(b) Dehradun
(c) Rohana
(d) Mussoorie.

8️⃣ The couple who saw the girl off at the station were probably her 

(a) relatives
(b) colleagues
(c) friends
(d) parents.

9️⃣ *The girl’s parents were very anxious about her

(a) safety
(b) comfort
(c) blindness
(d) aunt.

1️⃣0️⃣ The woman gave the girl detailed instructions as to

(a) where to sit
(b) where to stand
(c) where to keep her things
(d) how to behave with the fellow passengers.

1️⃣1️⃣ At that time the narrator was

(a) completely blind
(b) partially blind
(c) night blind
(d) colour blind.

1️⃣2️⃣ *The eyes of the narrator were sensitive to

(a) light
(b) darkness
(c) only light and darkness
(d) neither light nor darkness.

1️⃣3️⃣ *What is the narrator’s very first clue about his fellow traveller in the train? 

(a) He knows that she wears slippers, from the way they slapped against her heels.
(b) He knows that she has light eyes and golden hair.
(c) He knows that she has a radiant smile.
(d) He knows that she wears glasses.

1️⃣4️⃣ *The narrator liked 

(a) the sound of the girl’s voice
(b) the sound of the slippers
(c) both, the sound of the girl’s voice and the sound of the slippers
(d) her eyes only.

1️⃣5️⃣ *The narrator first discovered that the girl 

(a) had one slipper
(b) had a sweet voice
(c) had a pretty face
(d) had beautiful eyes.

1️⃣6️⃣ *The narrator’s voice in ‘The Eyes Have It’ 

(a) worried the girl
(b) scared the girl
(c) displeased the girl
(d) startled the girl.

1️⃣7️⃣ *The girl was startled when the narrator first spoke to her because [WBCHSE Sample Question]

(a) she did not see him at first
(b) he was sitting in a dark corner
(c) she was not used to being spoken to in that manner
(d) she did not know that there was another person in the compartment.

1️⃣8️⃣ *People with good eyesight fail to see what is

(a) right in front of them
(b) right behind them
(c) right beside them
(d) right above their head.

1️⃣9️⃣ According to the narrator, people with good eyesight often fail to see things in front of them because 

(a) they don’t care about anybody else
(b) they actually cannot see
(c) they have too much to take in
(d) they avoid the people in front of them.

2️⃣0️⃣ *People who cannot see have to

(a) accept everything
(b) take in too much
(c) ignore the essentials
(d) take in only the essentials.

2️⃣1️⃣ *The narrator did not want to disclose to the girl that he was

(a) completely blind
(b) partially blind
(c) going to Dehra
(d) going to Mussoorie.

2️⃣2️⃣ *To prevent the girl from discovering that the narrator was blind, he decided 

(a) to keep silent
(b) to keep to his seat
(c) to look out of the window
(d) to be with himself.

2️⃣3️⃣ *How does the narrator attempt to strike up a conversation with the girl? 

(a) He asks her where she is going.
(b) He asks her what she does for a living.
(c) He tells her about his childhood.
(d) He talks about the weather outside.

2️⃣4️⃣ *The blind girl said that she would get off at [WBCHSE H.S. 2016]

(a) Nainital
(b) Mussoorie
(c) Dehra
(d) Saharanpur.

2️⃣5️⃣ *What tantalized the narrator was the [WBCHSE H.S. 2020] 

(a) ringing laugh of the girl
(b) sweet talk of the girl
(c) melodious voice of the girl
(d) perfume of the girl’s hair.

2️⃣6️⃣ *The girl will be received at Saharanpur by her

(a) friend
(b) cousin
(c) sister
(d) aunt.

2️⃣7️⃣ According to the author, aunts are 

(a) friendly creatures
(b) cruel creatures
(c) foolish creatures
(d) formidable creatures.

2️⃣8️⃣ The initial destination of the narrator was

(a) Rohana
(b) Mussoorie
(c) Dehra
(d) Saharanpur.

2️⃣9️⃣ *From Dehra, Ruskin Bond was going [WBCHSE Sample Question]

(a) to Mussoorie
(b) to Rohana
(c) to a hill station
(d) to Saharanpur.

3️⃣0️⃣ *The blind girl said that she loved the [WBCHSE H.S. 2017] 

(a) tree
(b) animals
(c) hills
(d) forests.

3️⃣1️⃣ According to the girl, the author was very lucky because he

(a) was going to Dehra
(b) was going to Mussoorie
(c) could sit in front of a logfire at night
(d) could enjoy the hills of Mussoorie at night.

3️⃣2️⃣ *According to Ruskin Bond, the best time for visiting the hills is [WBCHSE H.S. 2015] 

(a) September
(b) October
(c) November
(d) December.

3️⃣3️⃣ *In October the hills are covered with

(a) moss
(b) pine trees
(c) wild dahlias
(d) sunflowers.

3️⃣4️⃣ The sun has been described as 

(a) radiant
(b) bright
(c) scorching
(d) delicious.

3️⃣5️⃣ “…….at night you can sit in front of a logfire and drink a little”

(a) tea
(b) coffee
(c) brandy
(d) wine.

3️⃣6️⃣ *“The sun is delicious.” Here ‘delicious’ means 

(a) tasty
(b) unpleasant
(c) pleasant
(d) scorching.

3️⃣7️⃣ How are the roads of Mussoorie in the month of October? 

(a) crowded
(b) quiet
(c) beautiful
(d) quiet and almost deserted.

3️⃣8️⃣ The narrator wondered if the girl thought him to be a 

(a) sly person
(b) romantic fool
(c) poet
(d) harmful man.

3️⃣9️⃣ *“Then I made a mistake.”—the ‘mistake’ was made by

(a) the girl
(b) the girl’s aunt
(c) the co-passenger
(d) the narrator.

4️⃣0️⃣ “Then I made a mistake.” The word ‘mistake’ means 

(a) error
(b) mishap
(c) misfortune
(d) miserable.

4️⃣1️⃣ *”Then I made a mistake.” The ‘mistake’ that the narrator made was [WBCHSE Sample Question]

(a) to ask a wrong question
(b) to behave rudely with the girl
(c) to let slip the fact that he could not see
(d) to crack a joke.

4️⃣2️⃣ *In the compartment, the narrator felt for the 

(a) seat
(b) berth
(c) window-ledge
(d) luggage.

4️⃣3️⃣ I heard the ________ of the wheels.

(a) gasp
(b) rumble
(c) roar
(d) whistle.

4️⃣4️⃣ What did the narrator see in his mind’s eye? 

(a) cows on field
(b) mountains
(c) telegraph posts
(d) rows of trees.

4️⃣5️⃣ *“Have you noticed,” I ventured. The narrator ventured to say

(a) that the trees were running backward
(b) that he loved the girl
(c) that the animals were grazing in the distance
(d) that the telegraph posts were running backwards.

4️⃣6️⃣ What did the narrator answer quite confidently?

(a) that he could not see any girl outside
(b) that he could not see any animal outside
(c) that he was deaf
(d) that he was the first boy of his school.

4️⃣7️⃣ According to the narrator, the girl had a/an 

(a) interesting face
(b) pretty face
(c) ugly face
(d) scary face.

4️⃣8️⃣ *According to the blind narrator [WBCHSE Sample Question]

(a) few girls can resist flattery
(b) all girls like flattery
(c) all girls can resist flattery
(d) no girl likes flattery.

4️⃣9️⃣ *In “The Eyes Have It” the girl was tired of people telling her that she had 

(a) an interesting face
(b) a pretty face
(c) a smiling face
(d) acute face.

5️⃣0️⃣ “Well, an interesting face can also be pretty,” This is said by 

(a) the narrator
(b) the girl
(c) the girl’s parents
(d) a man who entered the compartment.

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5️⃣1️⃣ *The girl in the train compartment thought the narrator to be [WBCHSE H.S. 2019, 2022]

(a) gallant
(b) serious
(c) gallant and serious
(d) pretentious.

5️⃣2️⃣ The narrator was very much conscious of his

(a) ugly appearance
(b) rough voice
(c) problem of speech
(d) blindness.

5️⃣3️⃣ *The thought of laughter only made the narrator of the story entitled ‘The Eyes Have It’ 

(a) feel a crying
(b) feel tousled
(c) feel troubled
(d) feel troubled and lonely.

5️⃣4️⃣ *The girl’s voice had the 

(a) sweetness of honey

(b) note of melody
(c) sparkle of the stream
(d) glittering of the moon.

5️⃣5️⃣ The girl was feeling relieved as the journey was

(a) a short one
(b) lengthy
(c) boring
(d) comfortable.

5️⃣6️⃣ *The girl could not bear to sit in a train for more than 

(a) one hour
(b) two hours
(c) two or three hours
(d) six or seven hours.

5️⃣7️⃣ *The narrator was prepared to listen to the girl’s talking for 

(a) one hour
(b) two hours
(c) nothing
(d) almost any length of time.

5️⃣8️⃣ *The narrator was curious about the 

(a) girl’s eyes
(b) girl’s aunt
(c) girl’s face
(d) girl’s hair.

5️⃣9️⃣ The narrator praised the girl’s 

(a) voice
(b) hair
(c) movement
(d) dress.

6️⃣0️⃣ “…….it would stay with me for the rest of the journey.” Here ‘it’ refers to the

(a) sweet smile of the girl
(b) sweet words of the girl
(c) terrible shock
(d) interesting incident.

6️⃣1️⃣ The engine’s whistle

(a) shouted
(b) shrieked
(c) blew softly
(d) blew loudly.

6️⃣2️⃣ *When the carriage wheels changed their sound and rhythm, the girl 

(a) bid goodbye
(b) turned from the window
(c) stood very close to the narrator
(d) got up and began to collect her things.

6️⃣3️⃣ *“….a high-pitched female voice near the carriage door….” The voice belonged to the

(a) girl’s mother
(b) girl’s aunt
(c) narrator’s mother
(d) vendor.

6️⃣4️⃣ *When the girl left the train, she made a parting remark for the narrator. It was

(a) ‘See you again’
(b) ‘Thank you’
(c) ‘Nice to meet you’
(d) ‘Goodbye’.

6️⃣5️⃣ *The perfume of the girl’s hair was 

(a) charismatic
(b) mysterious
(c) tantalising
(d) sweet.

6️⃣6️⃣ The narrator wanted to touch the girl’s

(a) hand
(b) face
(c) hair
(d) eyes.

6️⃣7️⃣ *The narrator was so curious about the hairstyle of the girl that

(a) he touched her hair
(b) he wanted to raise his hand to touch her hair
(c) he came close to her and took a long breath of her sweet perfume
(d) he smelt her hair and wanted to touch it.

6️⃣8️⃣ *The narrator in the story ‘The Eyes Have It’ could not touch the girl’s hair because 

(a) he was afraid
(b) he was blind
(c) the girl moved away
(d) the third passenger came.

6️⃣9️⃣ *“There was some confusion in the doorway.” The confusion was

(a) a woman fell out with one of the passengers
(b) a woman, getting into the compartment, stammered an apology
(c) the girl while getting off bade the narrator goodbye
(d) a man, getting into the compartment, stammered an apology.

7️⃣0️⃣ *The new passenger who boarded the train at Saharanpur 

(a) apologised
(b) screamed
(c) shouted
(d) criticized.

7️⃣1️⃣ *The game that the narrator played with his fellow-travellers was to [WBCHSE Sample Question]

(a) pretend that he could see
(b) pretend that he could not hear
(c) make conversation about things around them
(d) make sure that they did not realise that he could not see.

7️⃣2️⃣ The passenger who got into the train at Saharanpur broke into the narrator’s 

(a) compartment
(b) seat
(c) imagination
(d) daydream.

7️⃣3️⃣ The word ‘reverie’ means

(a) memory
(b) a daydream
(c) imagination
(d) folktales.

7️⃣4️⃣ *The narrator wanted to know from the new passenger about the girl’s 

(a) face
(b) movement
(c) hairstyle
(d) face.

7️⃣5️⃣ The co-passenger who boarded the train at Saharanpur, noticed the girl’s

(a) face
(b) hair
(c) dress
(d) eyes.

7️⃣6️⃣ *The new passenger described the girl’s eyes as 

(a) big and beautiful
(b) beautiful but blind
(c) small and beautiful
(d) blind and beautiful.

7️⃣7️⃣ *The new fellow traveller’s remark took the narrator by surprise because

(a) he said that he did not notice the girl’s hairstyle
(b) he said that there was no girl at all
(c) he said he had seen a boy instead
(d) he said that the girl had no sense of humour.

7️⃣8️⃣ *The story ‘The Eyes Have It’ deals with the theme of

(a) dream and reality
(b) war and peace
(c) vision and blindness
(d) humanity and brutality.

7️⃣9️⃣ *Bond’s ‘The Eyes Have It’ ends with a

(a) verbal irony
(b) situational irony
(c) dramatic irony
(d) cosmic irony.

8️⃣0️⃣ *The co-passenger, who boarded the train at Saharanpur noticed the girl’s [WBCHSE H.S. 2023]

(a) hair
(b) beautiful eyes
(c) sweet face
(d) bright dress.

8️⃣1️⃣ *The girl who boarded the train from Rohana was wearing [WBCHSE H.S. 2024]

(a) high heels
(b) slippers
(c) boots
(d) sports shoes.

Answer Key👇

Question Answer
1 b
2 b
3 b
4 c
5 c
6 c
7 c
8 d
9 b
10 c
11 a
12 c
13 a
14 c
15 b
16 d
17 d
18 a
19 c
20 d
21 a
22 b
23 a
24 d
25 d
26 d
27 d
28 c
29 a
30 c
31 b
32 b
33 c
34 d
35 c
36 c
37 d
38 b
39 d
40 a
41 c
42 c
43 b
44 c
45 a
46 b
47 a
48 a
49 b
50 a
51 c
52 d
53 d
54 c
55 a
56 c
57 d
58 d
59 a
60 b
61 b
62 d
63 b
64 d
65 c
66 c
67 b
68 c
69 d
70 a
71 d
72 d
73 b
74 c
75 d
76 b
77 a
78 c
79 c
80 b
81 b
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Golam Mortuja

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