
Macbeth MCQ

Read all Macbeth MCQ to test ownself. Macbeth, a great tragedy of Shakespeare, is based on the theme of self-destruction from over-ambition ...

Headmaster in R K Narayan’s The English Teacher

Headmaster in R K Narayan’s The English Teacher Introduction Love is the dominant and central theme of R K Narayan’s famous novel ‘The English Teacher’. Other ...

Ode on a Grecian Urn as an Escapist Poem

Ode on a Grecian Urn as an Escapist Poem Introduction One of the main notes in English romantic poetry in the nineteenth century is the spirit ...

Society in Emma

Society in Emma Introduction Jane Austen is a novelist worked within very strict limitation. She restricted herself to the area of experience with which she was ...

Auden as a Modern Poet

Auden as a Modern Poet Introduction  Auden is a leader of modern movement in poetry by both personality and poetic talent. He learnt much from T. ...

Beelzebub in Paradise Lost

The Role of Beelzebub in Paradise Lost Book I Introduction Beelzebub is Satan’s bold compeer and next to him in power and next in crime. He ...

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