
Science Exhibition Report

By Golam Mortuja

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Science Exhibition or Science Fair


Write a report on a District Level Science Exhibition or Science Fair. [Word-limit : 150 words] [2+8]


 By Golam Mortuja

Malda, 2nd January, 2023 : On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Satyendranath Bose, a great scientist, a district level science exhibition was arranged by ABC High School, yesterday. Students of twelve reputed schools of the district took part in the exhibition. A large number of students and some interested people took part in the exhibition. The exhibition was on the universe and its evolution, history of life and its gradual evolution. The exhibition was held to teach the students and the local people a scientific and analytical approach to life. The scientific theories of great scientists were also exhibited at a gallery by the students. Exhibitions on unconventional sources of energy were added attractions. Different mass awareness programmes were also held in this exhibition. Students of different local schools visited the exhibition. The headmaster in his closing speech said that the school had planned to improve the library and the laboratory for the young students so that they could get practical lessons from the very young age. At last he thanked cordially the attendees and declared the successful end of the exhibition.


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Golam Mortuja

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