
Recklessness of the People During Lock-down Letter

By Golam Mortuja

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Recklessness of the People During Lock-down Period


Write a letter to the editor of an English daily expressing your concern about the recklessness of the people during the lock-down period for Corona Virus. [Word-limit : 150 words] [2+8]

The Editor, 
The Statesman, 
9A MG Road, 
Box NO. 208, 
Pin Code — 700073 

Sub : Expressing concern about the recklessness of the people during the lock-down period for Corona Virus 


     I shall be highly grateful to you if you kindly allow me a little space in the columns of your highly esteemed daily so that I may ventilate my concern to draw the attention of the concerning authority of the government about the problem caused by the recklessness of the people during the lock-down period for Corona Virus.

   At present, we all know that the whole world is going through a tough situation due to COVID-19 pandemic. Needless to say how much infectious, harmful and dangerous this virus is. Every country in the world is struggling to get relief from this virus. Our country is also going through this tough situation. But still shockingly many people in our country do not care about this. They neither care about themselves nor others. They believe that they will not be affected. They neither wear masks nor maintain social distance, especially in public places. Even in the lock-down period, without caring others, they roam about here and there freely and gather on the road sides. And their nonsense behaviour leads to a very risky situation of being affected by COVID-19 not just for them, but also for the people near them. I think if the concerning authority of the government took an extremely strict action for violating any rule, these people would not have violated the protocol.

    In this circumstances, I request you to kindly highlight the matter in your esteemed daily, so that the concerning authority of the government pays an urgent notice and takes an immediate step on the matter mentioned above.

Place : Alal, Malda    Yours faithfully,

Date : 6th May, 2020     Rabi Roy                            


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1️⃣ Write a letter to the editor of an English daily expressing your concern or anxiety about the violation of rules of COVID-19 by the people of your locality. [Word-limit : 150 words] [2+8] 

2️⃣ Write a letter to the editor of an English daily expressing your concern about the careless attitude of people during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Word-limit : 150 words] [2+8]

Golam Mortuja

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