
Popularity Of Emma

By Golam Mortuja

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Question : Essay-type

Give an account for the popularity of Austen’s novel ‘Emma’.


Jane Austen was one of the greatest novelties of the eighteenth century. Her ‘Emma’ is an exhilarating comedy. It is a great domestic and social novel. It is an ironic comedy. As a novel of instruction it is a comedy of a double sentimental education. It centres round the faults of the heroine, Emma. It is also called by some critics a drawing room. In ‘Emma’ Austen has given a concrete example of love, marriage and money.

Plot Of Emma

Austen’s plot construction is superb. Emma is the heroine of Austen’s celebrated novel ‘Emma’. Emma is the central figure around whom the entire plot of the novel revolves. Every other character is related to her. Emma assumes for herself the role of a match-maker. She makes all possible efforts to get Harriet married to Elton. She fails in her venture. She tries to bring Frank Churchill and Harriet closer together but herself falls in love with Frank. However, Frank is already engaged to Jane Fairfax. Advancing the cause of Harriet she feels jealous to her when she comes to know of the apparently developing love between Harriet and Knightley. Ironically she herself falls in love with George Knightley and ultimately marries him. It may be recalled that George Knightley is her father image. Frank is married to Jane Fairfax. Elton has already been married to Hawkins and Harriet is married to Martin.

Emma : A Psychological Novel

‘Emma’ is a psychological novel in as much as it deals with the psychological problems of the various characters. A domestic novel has to be a psychological novel. The two kinds of characters are related to each other. The characters have to be intelligent as well as stupid; good as well as bad.

Emma : A Comedy Of Errors

‘Emma’ is also a comedy of errors. The characters make mistakes in understanding and judging each other. The irony is that she thinks always that she is right, but actually she is always wrong. Irony pervades throughout the novel.


So we find that ‘Emma’ is Austen’s great master piece. It represents the eternal comedy of life. From artistic point of view it is flawless. It is a real good comedy. As a drawing-room comedy of self-deception ‘Emma’ ends with a happy note like Shakespeare’s romantic comedy ‘As You Like It’. ‘Emma’ also ends with happy marriages.

Related Questions

1️⃣ “Emma is the book which best exemplified Austen’s irony.” Elucidate.

2️⃣ Comment on the structure of ‘Emma’.

Golam Mortuja

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