Graduate Novel

Headmaster in R K Narayan’s The English Teacher

Introduction Love is the dominant and central theme of R K Narayan’s famous novel ‘The English Teacher’. Other themes are child psychology, life of Heaven, Nature ...

Society in Emma

Question : Essay-type Comment on Austen’s portrayal of the Highbury social life in Emma. Introduction Jane Austen is a novelist worked within very strict limitation. She ...

Robinson Crusoe as a Realistic and Allegorical Novel

Question : Essay-type Why has Robinson Crusoe been called at once realistic and allegorical? Introduction Defoe in his preface to the novel ‘Robinson Crusoe’ described the ...

Vision Of Life In A Farewell To Arms

Question : Essay-type Elucidate the vision of life underlying ‘A Farewell to Arms’. Introduction The novels of Hemingway expound a tragic view. Human life is ruled ...

Character Of Miss Bates In Emma

Question : Essay-type Comment on the character of Miss Bates in Jane Austen’s novel ‘Emma’. Introduction Miss Bates is a minor character, but has a significant ...

Popularity Of Emma

Question : Essay-type Give an account for the popularity of Austen’s novel ‘Emma’. Introduction Jane Austen was one of the greatest novelties of the eighteenth century. ...

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