
Plant Tree Save Life and Water Report

By Golam Mortuja

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Write a report on the seminar ‘Plant Tree, Save Life and Water’ organised by your school. The report will be published in your school magazine. Mention the roles of the students and teachers, purpose of the seminar, participation and response, and so on.[World limit : 150 words] [2+8=10]

[WBCHSE H.S. 2020]


By Golam Mortuja 

Malda, 6th June, 2023 : To create awareness among all about the importance of trees, yesterday, ABC High School [H.S.], on the occasion of World Environment Day [5th June], organized a seminar entitled ‘SAVE TREE, SAVE LIFE AND WATER’ in the school campus. Different programmes were undertaken to make the students aware of the significance of the day. A large number of students, teachers and some local interested people took part in the function. The District Forest Officer, Mr. Jogesh Barman presided over the function. Among the other dignitaries were the B.D.O., the local M.L.A. and the principal of the local college. The function was started with an opening song sung by some students in chorus. Some of the students, teachers and other attendants delivered their speeches about the significance of the day. The president and the chief guest in their speeches dwelt on the utility of planting more trees for safer, cleaner and pollution free surroundings. The headmaster in his valuable speech said, “The balance of the ecosystem on earth is fully dependent on trees. We are able to survive on earth due to plants and trees which are the source of most essential needs for us, such as, water and fresh oxygen. So cutting trees means destroying life on earth. So we should plant more and more trees for our existence on earth.” The headmaster also became concerned about the dangerous effects of global warming which is happening due to cutting down trees deliberately. After this the tree planting ceremony was inaugurated with the planting of a sapling in the school premises by the president. Then followed the afforestation programme by the students around the school. The newly planted saplings were also fenced, and students wearing colourful placards on their backs appealed to the people for proper care of the plants. The students along with their teachers took out a rally in the locality with placards with slogans regarding trees and water conservation. The seminar was a successful one due to the enthusiastic response from both the students and the teachers.

Golam Mortuja

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