
Observation of Tree Plantation Programme Letter

By Golam Mortuja

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Observing Tree Plantation Programme


Write a letter to the Head of the Institution requesting him to give permission to observe Tree Plantation Programme in your school campus. (Word limit : 150 words) [10]


The Headmaster, 

ABC High School [H.S.], 

Alal, Malda, 

Pin Code 733125

Sub : Prayer for observation of Tree Plantation Programme

Respected Sir,

         As a student president I, on behalf of the students of our school, request you to kindly allow us to hold a tree plantation programme in our school compound. We have arranged a small poster presentation program on the occasion of World Environment Day [5th June] and the theme for the poster presentation is ‘Need of Tree Plantation’. The teachers have also agreed to join us in this programme. We will be provided with a few saplings by the Municipal Corporation free of cost. This will show our effort to improve our environment. We will be highly grateful to you if you inaugurate our program by your presence.

I, therefore, request you to permit us to organize the programme.

Place : Alal, Malda    Yours obediently, 

Date : 7th May, 2023         Raja Roy, 

                                       School Captain,         


                                    Sec – A, Roll No. 3

                             ABC High School [H.S.]


Related Question

Write an application to the headmaster of your school expressing your desire to take up Tree Plantation Programme in your school. [Word-limit : 150 words] [10]

Golam Mortuja

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