
Man-woman Relationship in Sons And Lovers

By Golam Mortuja

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Question : Essay-type

Discuss Lawrence’s theory of man-woman relationship with reference to ‘Sons and Lovers’.


D.H. Lawrence is acclaimed as the greatest novelist of England and one of the greatest ones in the world. He was a great artist, rebel and prophet. ‘Sons and Lovers’ is the most important novel of D.H. Lawrence. Paul Morel is the hero and Miriam is the heroine of the novel. 

The Role Of Mother In The Novel

In ‘Sons and Lovers’ the role of mother is significant. She loves her son, Paul immensely. She does not want that any other woman should possess her son and snatch him away from her. Therefore she intervenes in Paul and Miriam relationship as well as in Paul and Clara relationship. Mrs. Morel, Paul’s mother is the greatest impediment in Paul’s successful relationship with either Miriam or Clara. Mrs. Morel, Miriam and Clara have strained relationship with one another. Paul is miserably helpless. He is not free to act. He is both mentally and emotionally tortured. 

Man-woman Relationship In The Novel

Lawrence fails in establishing successful man-woman relationship in ‘Sons and Lovers’. The mother is possessed, Miriam is intellectual-spiritual, and Clara is sensual. 

Mrs. Morel is a very significant actor. Her love for her son Paul touches the border of abnormality. She loves her son with a vengeance. The aggrieved Mrs. Morel has transferred her love from her husband to her son. She has lost her husband to some extent. She does not want to lose her son. Her possessiveness grows stronger as she finds her son in love either with Miriam or with Clara. The result is disastrous.

Oedipus Complex In The Novel

‘Sons and Lovers’ is a beautiful study of Oedipus complex. The love between Paul and his mother is an example of Oedipus complex. Mother-fixation and Oedipus complex are the two sides of the same coin. Paul loves his mother immensely. He is prepared to sacrifice his love, but he cannot think of depriving his mother of his love. She needs it. Paul cannot deny it. Thus the mother and son relationship based on intense mutual love develops a peculiar situation.


So we find that D.H. Lawrence was a towering genius. He was a rebel, a prophet, a visionary and a great artist. Lawrence aimed at ideal relationship between man and woman. In ‘Sons and Lovers’ he fails. The novel ends with a ray of hope. Lawrence was to achieve success in his mission in ‘Women in Love’. Later on he gets better success in ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’. In ‘The Man Who Died’ Lawrence gets complete success.

Related Question

Analyse Lawrence’s treatment of the working class in ‘Sons and Lovers’.

Golam Mortuja

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