Jimmy Valentine SAQ
A Retrieved Reformation
Alias Jimmy Valentine
Jimmy Valentine
O’ Henry [1862-1910]
SAQ – 1 /2 Marks
1. Who is the writer of the story ‘Alias Jimmy Valentine’?
👉’Alias Jimmy Valentine’ is a short-story by O’ Henry whose real name was William Sydney Porter.
2. What is the original title of the story ‘Alias Jimmy Valentine’? When was it published?
👉The original title of the story ‘Alias Jimmy Valentine’ is ‘A Retrieved Reformation. It was published in 1909.
Related Question
What is the actual title of the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’?
3. What do you mean by ‘alias’?
👉The word ‘alias’ means ‘assumed name’, ‘pseudonym’, and ‘nickname’.
4. Who was Jimmy Valentine in the story ‘Alias Jimmy Valentine’?
👉In the story ‘Alias Jimmy Valentine’ by O’ Henry Jimmy Valentine, the hero of the story, was a young highly skilled safe-cracker who had been changed into an honest man after falling in love with the young beautiful girl Miss Annabel Adams.
5. Why did the guard come to the prison shoe-shop?
👉The prison-guard Cronin came to the prison shoe-shop where Jimmy was stitching uppers assiduously to escort Jimmy Valentine to the front office of the warden.
6. *Where did Jimmy Valentine work during the ten months of his imprisonment? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2019]
👉During the ten months of his imprisonment Jimmy Valentine worked in the prison shoe-shop. At the very beginning of the story when a guard came to the prison shoe-shop, Jimmy Valentine was assiduously stitching uppers.
Related Question
*Where did Jimmy work during his imprisonment? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2023]
7. *Why was Jimmy Valentine imprisoned?
👉Jimmy Valentine was imprisoned because he was accused of creaking a safe in Springfield. And so he was imprisoned for the Springfield job.
Related Questions
[I] Why was Jimmy sent to prison?
[II] Why was Jimmy Valentine put into jail?
8. For how long was Jimmy condemned to be in the prison?
👉Jimmy was condemned to be in the prison for four years.
Related Questions
[I] What was the tenure of Jimmy’s imprisonment?
[II] For how long was he confined in the prison?
👉Jimmy Valentine was confined in the prison for four years for creaking a safe in Springfield. But he had expected to stay only about three months, at the longest.
[III] How long was Jimmy punished?
👉Jimmy Valentine was punished for the Springfield job for four years.
9. *How long had Jimmy expected to stay in the prison?
👉Jimmy had expected to stay in the prison for only about three months at the longest.
10. Why had Jimmy expected to stay in jail for not too much time?
👉Jimmy had expected to stay in jail for not too much time. He had expected to stay in the prison for only about three months at the longest as he had enough influential and powerful friends outside the jail to protest against his arrest.
Related Questions
[I] How long did Jimmy expect to stay in the prison and why?
[II] Why could not the jail authority keep Jimmy in jail for a long time?
👉The jail authority could not keep Jimmy in jail for a long time because Jimmy had enough influential and powerful friends outside the jail to protest against his arrest.
11. *How long was Jimmy Valentine in prison?
👉Though Jimmy Valentine had expected to stay in the prison for only about three months at the longest, he was in the prison nearly ten months.
Related Questions
[I] How long did Jimmy stay in jail?
[II] For how many months was Jimmy in jail?
[III] How long did Jimmy Valentine serve in the prison?
[IV] How long did Jimmy Valentine serve as a prisoner?
👉Jimmy Valentine had served nearly ten months in prison of a four year sentence.
12. *Who had pardoned Jimmy Valentine? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2017]
👉The governor had pardoned Jimmy Valentine for his offence of safe-cracking in Springfield. As a result John Jimmy was released from jail.
13. Why was Jimmy pardoned by the governor?
👉Jimmy was pardoned by the governor because Jimmy’s many influential and powerful friends outside the jail protested against his arrest and the governor nearly balked. Consequently the governor was compelled to pardon him.
14. Who handed Jimmy his pardon?
👉In his front office the warden handed Jimmy his pardon letter signed by the governor that morning.
15. What did the warden give and say to Jimmy?
👉In his front office the warden handed Jimmy his pardon letter signed by the governor that morning. He informed Jimmy that he would be released in the next morning from the prison. The warden advised Jimmy to make a man of himself because he had been not a bad fellow at heart. He also advised him to stop cracking safes and live straight.
16. How did Jimmy receive the letter of his pardon?
👉When the prison-guard escorted Jimmy to the front office of the warden, there the warden handed Jimmy his pardon letter that had been signed that morning by the warden. But Jimmy took it in a tired kind of way.
Related Question
How did Jimmy react when he was granted parole in prison?
👉When Jimmy was granted parole in prison, he showed no interest to hear it. He took the pardon letter from the warden in a tired kind of way.
17. *Where did the warden ask Jimmy to come and meet him as soon as he was freed the next morning?
👉As soon as Jimmy was freed the next morning, the warden asked him to come to the bull-pen to meet him.
18. *“Better think of my advice,” What advice did the warden give?
👉The warden advised Jimmy to make a man of himself because he had been not a bad fellow at heart. He also advised him to stop cracking safes and live straight.
Related Questions
[I] What did the warden advise Jimmy?
[II] What was the warden’s advice to Valentine?
[III] What was the advice given by the warden to Jimmy?
[IV] What was the warden’s parting advice to Jimmy?
19. How did Jimmy react when the warden advised him to lead an honest life?
👉Jimmy showed no interest in his pardon. He took the pardon letter from the warden in a tired kind of way. And when the warden advised him to lead an honest life, Jimmy pretended his innocence claiming that he had never cracked a safe in his life.
20. *What was the name of the guard in the prison? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2017]
👉The name of the guard in the prison was Cronin.
21. What did the warden order Cronin, the guard, to do?
👉The warden ordered Cronin, the guard to take Jimmy back and to fix him up with outgoing clothes. He also ordered him to unlock Jimmy at seven in the morning, and let him come to the bull-pen.
Related Question
What did the warden of the prison direct Cronin?
22. What kind of suit did Jimmy put on after his release from jail?
👉After his release from jail, Jimmy put on a suit of the villainously fitting, ready-made clothes and a pair of stiff, squeaky shoes furnished by the state.
Related Question
What did Jimmy wear during his release from the prison?
👉During his release from the prison, Jimmy wore a suit of the villainously fitting, ready-made clothes and a pair of stiff, squeaky shoes furnished by the state.
23. *Whom does the term ‘compulsory guests’ refer to in the text ‘Jimmy Valentine’?
👉In the text ‘Jimmy Valentine’ the term ‘compulsory guests’ refers to those prisoners who got freedom after getting pardon by the governor.
24. *What did the clerk at the prison give Jimmy Valentine? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2015, 2020]
👉The clerk at the prison gave Jimmy a railroad ticket and the five-dollar bill to rehabilitate himself into good citizenship and prosperity.
Related Questions
[I] Who handed Jimmy Valentine a railway ticket and a five-dollar bill?
[II] What was Jimmy given before being released from the jail?
👉Before being released from the jail, the clerk at the prison gave Jimmy a railroad ticket and the five-dollar bill to rehabilitate himself into good citizenship and prosperity.
25. *Why did the clerk give Jimmy Valentine a railroad ticket and a five-dollar bill after his release from the prison? [WBCHSE Sample Question]
👉After Jimmy Valentine’s release from the prison the clerk gave him a railroad ticket and a five-dollar bill because with which the law expected him to rehabilitate himself into good citizenship and prosperity.
26. How was Jimmy Valentine identified in the prison?
👉In the prison Jimmy Valentine was identified with a number. The number was 9762.
27. What was the number of Jimmy in the prison?
👉Jimmy had been given a number in the prison for identification. The number was 9762.
28. *How was the atmosphere around when Jimmy came out of the jail?
👉When Jimmy came out of the jail in the sunny morning, the birds were singing, the trees were waving, and there was also the smell of the flowers.
29. What did Jimmy disregard when he came out of the jail?
👉When Jimmy came out of the jail, he disregarded the song of the birds, the waving green trees, and the smell of the flowers and headed straight for a restaurant.
30. Where did Jimmy go after his release from the jail?
👉After his release from the jail, disregarding the song of the birds, the waving green trees, and the smell of the flowers, Jimmy headed straight for a restaurant where he tasted the first taste of sweet joys of liberty in the shape of a broiled chicken and a bottle of white wine–followed by a cigar a great better than the one the warden had given him.
Related Questions
[I] Where did Jimmy go just after being released from prison?
[II] What did Jimmy do immediately after his release?
31. *What did Jimmy enjoy in the restaurant? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2017]
👉In the restaurant Jimmy enjoyed the first sweet joys of liberty in the shape of a broiled chicken and a bottle of white wine– followed by a cigar a great better than the one the warden had given him during his release.
Related Questions
[I] What did Jimmy eat in the restaurant?
[II] How did Jimmy taste the first joys of liberty?
[III] How did Jimmy enjoy the freedom immediately after being released from jail? [WBCHSE Sample Question]
👉After being released from jail, Jimmy immediately headed straight for a restaurant. There he tasted the first sweet joys of liberty in the shape of a broiled chicken and a bottle of white wine– followed by a cigar a great better than the one the warden had given him during his release.
32. What did Jimmy toss into the hat of a blind man while boarding the train?
👉From the restaurant Jimmy proceeded leisurely to the depot. While boarding the train, he tossed a quarter into the hat of a blind man sitting by the door.
33. Where did Jimmy go after getting down from the train?
👉After getting down from the train in a little town near the state line, Jimmy went to the cafe of Mike Dolan, one of his intimate friends.
34. How long did the train take to reach Jimmy’s destination?
👉The train took three hours to reach Jimmy’s destination in a little town near the state line.
35. Whom did Jimmy meet leaving the prison with?
👉Leaving the prison, Jimmy met his friend Mike Dolan who had a cafe where Jimmy stayed in a room at the rear of the cafe.
36. *Whose cafe did Jimmy Valentine go to?
👉Jimmy Valentine went to the cafe of one Mike Dolan.
37. *Who was Mike Dolan? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2020]
👉Mike Dolan was one of Jimmy’s friends who had a cafe where Jimmy had stayed.
38. Why was Mike sorry?
👉Mike was sorry because they couldn’t make free Jimmy from prison sooner as expected. It took nearly ten months to release Jimmy from jail. Though Mike tried as much as he could, he could not make it early to do that. So, he expressed his sorrow to Jimmy.
39. What did Jimmy find on the floor of his room?
👉Jimmy found Ben Price’s collar-button still lying on the floor of his room that had been torn from that eminent detective’s shirt-band when they had overpowered Jimmy to arrest him.
Related Questions
[I] What did Jimmy find unlocking the door of his room?
👉Unlocking the door of his room at Mike Dolan’s cafe, Jimmy found that everything was just as he had left it. There on the floor was still Ben Price’s torn collar-button.
[II] What did Jimmy find entering his room?
👉Jimmy got his key from Mike Dolan and unlocked the door of his room. Entering the room, he saw everything was just as he had left it. There on the floor was still Ben Price’s torn collar-button.
40. Where did Jimmy keep his tool-kit?
👉Jimmy kept his tool-kit inside a wall-panel behind his folding bed in his room.
Related Questions
[I] Where did Jimmy keep his burglar’s tools?
[II] Where did Jimmy put his suitcase?
41. Where did Jimmy take out his suitcase from?
👉Jimmy took out his suitcase from inside a wall-panel behind his folding bed in his room.
Related Question
Where from did Jimmy pull out his suitcase?
👉Jimmy pulled out his old dusty suitcase from the back of the closet.
42. What was the price of the tools of Jimmy?
👉The price of the finest complete set of burglar tools of Jimmy was over nine hundred dollars.
Related Questions
[I] What was the price of the burglary tools?
[II] What was the cost of the burglar’s tools?
[III] How much did the tools cost Jimmy?
[IV] How much money did Jimmy Valentine spend for his burglary tools?
[V] *What was the cost of Jimmy’s kit?
👉The cost of Jimmy’s kit was over nine hundred dollars.
[VI] How much was the cost to prepare the special burglary tools?
👉To prepare the special burglary tools Jimmy invested over nine hundred dollars.
43. *What did Jimmy’s suitcase contain? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2016] [WBCHSE Sample Question]
👉Jimmy’s suitcase contained the finest complete set of burglar tools in the East made of specially tempered steel.
Related Question
What were inside Jimmy’s suitcase?
44. What were Jimmy’s burglary tools?
👉Jimmy’s suitcase contained the finest complete set of burglar tools in the East made of specially tempered steel. Jimmy’s burglary tools included the latest designs in drills, punches, braces and bits, Jimmies, clamps, and augurs, with two or three novelties invented by Jimmy himself in which he took pride. Over nine hundred dollars they had cost him to have made such things for the profession.
Related Question
What were the burglary tools used by Jimmy?
45. *“This statement delighted Mike to such an extent that Jimmy had to take a seltzer and milk on the spot.” What was the statement?
👉When Jimmy stated that he was going to represent the New York Amalgamated Short Snap and Biscuit Cracker and Frazzled Wheat Company, his friend Mike Dolan was delighted much.
46. How much cases of burglaries happened after Jimmy’s release from the jail?
👉After Jimmy’s release from the jail, three consecutive cases of burglaries happened–the first one done in Richmond, Indiana, the second one done in Logansport, and the third one done in Jefferson City.
47. *What happened a week after the release of Valentine?
👉A week after the release of Valentine, 9762, there was a neat job of safe burglary done in Richmond, Indiana, with no clue to the author.
Related Question
When did the incident of burglary happen in Richmond, Indiana?
48. What happened within two weeks after the release of Valentine?
👉Within two weeks after the release of Valentine at Logansport a patented burglar proof safe was opened like a cheese to the tune of fifteen hundred dollars, currency, securities, and silver untouched.
49. What happened in Jefferson City?
👉An old-fashioned bank-safe in Jefferson City was burglarized by throwing out of its crater an eruption of bank-notes amounting to five thousand dollars.
50. *Who was Ben Price?
👉In O’ Henry’s short-story ‘Jimmy Valentine’ Ben Price was an eminent detective who worked on Jimmy’s cases.
51. What was Ben Price’s assessment after visiting the scenes of burglary?
👉After visiting the scenes of burglary, by comparing the notes, Ben Price noticed a remarkable similarity in the methods of the burglaries, and then he assessed that those were Dandy Jimmy Valentine’s works.
Related Question
What did Ben Price find in investigating the scenes of robberies done in Richmond, Logansport and Jefferson City?
52. Why did Ben Price get interested in Jimmy again?
👉Ben Price got interested in Jimmy again because Jimmy resumed his business. Immediately after his release from jail, Jimmy did three consecutive cases of burglary in Richmond, Indiana, Logansport and Jefferson City. And so Ben Price wanted to grab him again.
53. “He’s resumed his business.” Which ‘business’ is referred to here?
👉Here the word ‘business’ refers to the act of Jimmy Valentine’s safe-cracking which he has resumed a week after his release from the prison.
54. *Who is the investigator in the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2014]
👉Ben Price, an eminent detective, is the investigator in the story ‘Jimmy Valentine.
55. Who knew Jimmy’s habits?
👉Ben Price, the famous detective and investigator of Jimmy’s cases in O’ Henry’s story ‘Jimmy Valentine’, knew Jimmy’s habits very well.
56. What were Jimmy’s habits as observed by Ben Price?
👉Ben Price came to know about Jimmy’s habits while working on the Springfield case. Jimmy’s habits as observed by Ben Price were long jumps, quick get-aways, no confederates, and a taste for good society.
Related Questions
[I] “Ben Price knew Jimmy’s habits.” What were Jimmy’s habits?
[II] “Ben Price knew Jimmy’s habits.” What were the habits of Jimmy?
57. What helped Jimmy to become noted as a successful dodger of retribution?
👉Jimmy’s habits– Jimmy’s ways of doing safe-cracking– long jumps, quick get-aways, no confederates, and a taste for good society– these ways had helped Jimmy to become noted as a successful dodger of retribution.
58. What did Ben Price vow after the repeated cases of burglary?
👉After the repeated cases of burglary done by Jimmy after his release from the jail, Ben Price investigated the scenes of robberies and vowed to grab Mr. Valentine again.
59. When did people with burglar-proof safes feel more at ease?
👉Jimmy Valentine was an elusive cracksman. When Ben Price, an eminent detective, had taken up the trail of the elusive cracksman, people with burglar-proof safes felt more at ease.
60. *Where was Elmore?
👉Elmore was a little town five miles off the railroad down in the black-jack country of Arkansas.
Related Question
In which state is Elmore situated?
👉The little town Elmore is situated in the black-jack country of Arkansas.
61. How did Jimmy Valentine look when he reached Elmore?
👉When Jimmy Valentine reached in Elmore, a little town in the black-jack country of Arkansas, he looked like an athletic young senior just home from college.
Related Question
How did Jimmy look when he arrived at Elmore?
62. *Why did Jimmy ask, “Isn’t that young lady Polly Simpson?”
👉Jimmy asked the boy with specious guile, “Isn’t that young lady Polly Simpson?” to get the identity of the lady.
63. Why was Jimmy feeding a boy dimes from time to time?
👉Jimmy was feeding a boy loafing on the steps of the bank dimes from time to time by asking various questions to know about the Elmore town and about the young lady who had just entered the bank.
64. Who was Polly Simpson?
👉Polly Simpson was a made up name of a woman used by Jimmy. Jimmy used this name with specious guile to the boy on the steps of the Elmore Bank to get the identity of the young lady Miss Annabel Adams.
65. Who was Annabel Adams?
👉Annabel Adams was the heroine of O’ Henry’s short-story ‘Jimmy Valentine’. She was the youngest daughter of the old banker Mr. Adams.
Related Question
Name the lady Jimmy fell in love with.
👉In Elmore Jimmy fell in love with Miss Annabel Adams, the youngest daughter of the old banker Mr. Adams. She was the heroine of O’ Henry’s short-story ‘Jimmy Valentine’.
66. What changed the outlook of Jimmy’s life?
👉The sudden and alterative attack of the young lady Miss Annabel Adams’s love changed the outlook of Jimmy’s life.
Related Question
Who changed Jimmy’s life?
67. Where did Jimmy first meet Miss Annabel?
👉While going down the broad side-walk toward the Planters’ Hotel in Elmore, Jimmy first met the young lady Miss Annabel Adams when she crossed the street, passed him at the corner and entered a door over which was the sign, “The Elmore Bank”.
Related Questions
[I] Where did Jimmy Valentine meet Miss Annabel first?
[II] Where did Jimmy first see his beloved?
68. What happened to Jimmy when he looked into the eyes of a young lady in front of the Elmore Bank?
👉When Jimmy looked into the eyes of a young lady in front of the Elmore Bank, he forgot what he was, and became another man.
Related Question
When was Jimmy turned into another man?
69. Who was the owner of the Elmore Bank?
👉Annabel’s father, Mr. Adams, was the owner of the Elmore Bank.
Related Question
Who was Mr. Adams?
👉In O’ Henry’s famous short-story ‘Jimmy Valentine’ Mr. Adams was one of the major characters who was the father of the heroine of the story Miss Annabel Adams. Mr. Adams was a typical, plodding old country banker who had a bank in Elmore.
70. What was the profession of Mr. Adams?
👉By profession Mr. Adams, the father of the heroine of the story Miss Annabel Adams, was a typical, plodding old country banker who had a bank in Elmore.
71. What name Jimmy assumed in Elmore?
👉Jimmy assumed a name in Elmore which was Ralph D. Spencer. And Mr Ralph Spencer was the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes–ashes left by the flame of a sudden and alterative attack of beautiful Annabel’s love.
Related Questions
[I] Who was Mr Spencer?
[II] Who was Ralph D. Spencer?
72. *In which hotel did Jimmy engage a room in Elmore? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2015, 2018]
👉In Elmore Jimmy engaged a room in the Planters’ Hotel.
Related Questions
[I] Where did Jimmy lodge himself in Elmore?
[II] Where did Jimmy put up in Elmore?
73. What was the name mentioned in the register of the Planters’ Hotel?
👉The name mentioned by Jimmy in the register of the Planters’ Hotel to engage a room was Ralph D. Spencer.
74. *Where did Jimmy Valentine register his name as Ralph D. Spencer? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2022]
👉Jimmy Valentine registered his name as Ralph D. Spencer at the Planters’ Hotel in Elmore, a little town five miles off the railroad down in the black jack country of Arkansas.
Related Question
How did Jimmy register himself at the local hotel?
75. Why did Jimmy Valentine register his name as Ralph D Spencer?
👉At the Planters’ Hotel in Elmore Jimmy registered his name as Ralph D Spencer and engaged a room for rent because he did not want to disclose his true identity of being a safe-cracker, and with this alias he also wanted to look over the situation in Elmore.
Related Question
Why did Jimmy take his new name at Elmore?
76. What did Jimmy declare to the clerk of the hotel?
👉Jimmy declared his platform of coming to Elmore to the clerk of the hotel. He said he had come to Elmore to look for a location to go into business. Jimmy thought of shoe business, and he asked about it to the clerk.
Related Question
What did Ralph D. Spencer declare to the clerk of the Planters’ Hotel?
77. *Why was the clerk impressed by Jimmy? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2016]
👉The clerk of the Planters’ Hotel in Elmore was much impressed by the clothes and manner of Jimmy.
Related Questions
[I] *Why was the clerk of the Planters’ Hotel much impressed by Jimmy? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2023]
[II] What impressed the clerk?
[III] How did Jimmy impress the clerk of the Planters’ Hotel at Elmore?
78. “He now perceived his shortcomings” Who perceived his shortcomings?
👉The clerk of the hotel perceived his shortcomings after seeing Jimmy’s graceful appearance before him.
79. “He now perceived his shortcomings.” How did the person referred to as ‘he’ perceive his shortcomings?
👉Here ‘he’ refers to the clerk of the Planters’ Hotel. He perceived his shortcomings after seeing Jimmy’s graceful appearance before him. He, himself, was something of a pattern of fashion to the thinly gilded youth of Elmore.
80. *What particular thing did the clerk of the hotel in Elmore find it hard to decipher in Jimmy’s outfit?
👉The clerk of the hotel in Elmore found it hard to decipher a pattern of fashion to the thinly gilded youth of Elmore in Jimmy’s outfit.
81. How many shoe stores did Jimmy find in Elmore?
👉Jimmy found no shoe stores in Elmore. The clerk of the Planters’ Hotel informed Jimmy that in Elmore there ought to be a good opening in the shoe line because there had been not an exclusive shoe-store in the place.
82. What kind of business did Jimmy want to start at Elmore?
👉Jimmy wanted to start shoe business in Elmore because of his previous experiences in the prison.
Related Questions
[I] What was the business that Jimmy wanted to adopt in Elmore and why?
👉Jimmy wanted to adopt shoe-business in Elmore because there was no exclusive shoe-store in Elmore. Only the dry goods and general stores handled shoe-business in Elmore.
[II] Which business did Jimmy plan to do in Elmore?
[III] *What business did Jimmy start in Elmore?
👉Jimmy started shoe business in Elmore.
[IV] *Where did Jimmy Valentine start his shoe business?
👉Jimmy started his shoe business in Elmore, a little town in the black-jack country of Arkansas.
83. From where did the residents of Elmore purchase shoes before Jimmy set up his shop?
👉Before Jimmy set up his shop in Elmore, the residents of Elmore purchased shoes from general stores with dry-goods.
84. Why did Jimmy settle in Elmore?
👉Jimmy settled in Elmore to secure a good run of trade because of sudden and alternative attack of Annabel’s love.
85. How was Ralph D. Spencer’s shoe business in Elmore?
👉Ralph D. Spencer’s shoe business in Elmore was flourishing. He had prospered in his shoe-business and secured a good run of trade. He was successful as a businessman in Elmore.
Related Question
How did Mr. Ralph D. Spencer get on with his business in Elmore?
86. What was the name of Jimmy’s old pal?
👉The name of Jimmy’s old pal was Billy.
Related Question
Who was Billy?
👉Billy was one of Jimmy’s old friends in St. Louis whom Jimmy wanted to give his kit of tools.
87. How did Jimmy address Billy in his letter?
👉In his letter Jimmy addressed his friend Billy as ‘dear old pal’.
88. Where did Jimmy’s old friend Billy live?
👉Jimmy’s old friend Billy whom Jimmy wanted to give his kit of tools lived in St. Louis.
Related Question
Where did Jimmy’s old pal Billy live?
89. Whom did Jimmy write a letter to?
👉On the Monday night Jimmy sat down in his room and wrote a letter, which he mailed to the safe address of one of his old friends in St. Louis.
Related Answer
Jimmy wrote a letter to one of his old friends in St. Louis.
90. What for did Jimmy write to Billy?
👉Before the marriage with Annabel, Jimmy wanted to wind up all past matters of his life. So he wrote to his old friend Billy to hand over his kit of tools to him so that Jimmy could leave burglary forever for the sake of an honest life.
Related Question
Why did Jimmy write a letter to Billy?
91. Where did Jimmy want to meet his old pal?
👉Through his letter Jimmy told his old pal Billy that he wanted to meet him at Sullivan’s place in Little Rock at nine o’clock on the next Wednesday night.
Related Questions
[I] Where did Jimmy want to meet his friend Billy?
[II] Where did Jimmy request Bill to meet him?
[III] When did Jimmy want to meet his friend, Billy?
[IV] Which friend did Jimmy want to meet? On what day and what particular time did he want to meet him?
92. *Why did Jimmy want to go to Little Rock?
👉Jimmy wanted to go to Little Rock to order his wedding suit and buy something nice for Annabel. And he also wanted to hand over his kit of tools to his old friend Billy.
93. What for was Jimmy going to Sully’s bar?
👉Jimmy was going to Sully’s bar to meet his dear old friend Billy and hand him over his precious kit of burglary tools.
94. *Whom did Jimmy plan to give his burglary tools? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2022]
👉Jimmy planned to give his burglary tools to Billy, one of his old friends in St. Louis.
95. Why did Jimmy want to hand over his box of tools?
👉Jimmy wanted to hand over his box of tools to old friend Billy as it was of no use to him anymore because he was transformed, he was making an honest living, and he wanted to wind up all old scores on him.
Related Question
Why did Jimmy decide to give his burglary tools to Billy?
95. “It’s the only life.” Which life does the speaker refer to?
👉Here Jimmy Valentine is the speaker of the above mentioned line in his letter to his dear old pal Billy. Here Ralph D. Spencer i.e. Jimmy refers to the life of straight honest living.
97. “She’s an angel.” Who is referred to here as ‘she’?
👉Annabel Adams, Jimmy’s sweetheart, is referred to here as ‘she’. Jimmy called her an angel because like an angel she had changed Jimmy’s life with the touch of love.
Related Question
“She’s an angel.” Who is she?
98. What did Jimmy Valentine decide to do after his marriage?
👉After his marriage Jimmy Valentine decided to sell out his property and go West, where there would be so much danger of having old scores brought up against him. Actually he wanted to start an honest living with his ladylove Annabel in safe West.
Related Questions
[I] What was Jimmy’s plan after marriage?
[II] What was Jimmy’s plan to lead his life after his marriage with Annabel?
99. What was Jimmy’s purpose of going to Little Rock the next day?
👉Jimmy’s purpose of going to Little Rock the next day was to order his wedding suit and buy something nice for Annabel. He also wanted to hand over his box of tools to his old pal Billy.
100. When did Ben Price come to Elmore?
👉After Jimmy wrote his letter to his dear old friend Billy on the Monday night, Ben Price jogged unobtrusively into Elmore in a livery buggy.
Related Question
When did Ben Price arrive at Elmore?
101. Why did Ben Price go to Elmore?
👉Ben Price, an eminent detective in O’ Henry’s short-story ‘Jimmy Valentine’ went to Elmore to find Jimmy Valentine, a safe-cracker.
Related Question
Why did Ben Price come to Elmore?
102. Who lounged about Elmore town in his quiet way?
👉The famous detective and investigator in the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’ Ben Price lounged about Elmore in his quiet way to find and grab Jimmy.
103. From where did Ben Price collect the information about Jimmy in Elmore?
👉From the drug-store across the street Ben Price collected the information about Jimmy in Elmore.
Related Question
From where did Ben Price keep watch on Jimmy in Elmore?
104. How many children did Annabel’s sister have?
👉Annabel’s sister had two children.
Related Question
How many kids did Annabel’s sister have?
105. What were the names of the daughters of Annabel’s married sister?
👉In O’ Henry’s famous short-story ‘Alias Jimmy Valentine’ the married sister of the heroine of the story Annabel Adams had two little daughters. The first one was May who was nine years old, and the second one was Agatha who was five years old.
106. What did Annabel think about the contents of the suitcase?
👉In the Elmore Bank Annabel Adams whose heart was bubbling with happiness and lively youth, putting on Jimmy’s hat playfully, picked up Jimmy’s suitcase and felt that it was too heavy. She thought it was full of gold bricks.
107. *How old was Agatha who got trapped inside the vault? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2019]
👉Agatha who got trapped inside the vault was five years old.
108. *What was the name of Jimmy’s buggy driver?
👉The name of Jimmy’s buggy’s driver was Dolph Gipson.
Related Questions
[I] Who was the driver of buggy?
[II] Who was Dolph Gipson?
👉In O’ Henry’s famous short-story ‘Jimmy Valentine’ Dolph Gipson was the name of Jimmy’s buggy’s driver who was going to drive Jimmy over to the railroad station for going to Little Rock to order his wedding-suit and buy something nice for Annabel.
109. Why were the clerks of the bank pleased to meet Jimmy?
👉The clerks of the bank were pleased to meet the good-looking, agreeable young man Jimmy. Moreover being the banker’s to be son-in-law, Jimmy attracted everybody’s attention.
110. What did Annabel think of Jimmy’s suitcase?
👉Annabel thought Jimmy’s suitcase was full of gold bricks.
111. *What new thing was put in Elmore Bank? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2022]
👉The Elmore Bank had just put in a new safe and vault. Mr Adams, the owner of the bank, was very proud of it.
112. *Describe the new safe and vault just put in Elmore Bank.
👉The Elmore Bank had just put in a new safe and vault. The typical, plodding, old country banker Mr Adams was very proud of it, and insisted on an inspection by everyone. The vault was a small one, but it had a new patented door. It fastened with three solid steel bolts thrown simultaneously with a single handle, and had a time-lock. In a word, it was an attractive small vault with shining metal and funny clock and knobs.
Related Question
How was the new vault of Elmore Bank?
113. What was Mr Adams very proud of?
👉Mr Adams was very proud of the new safe and vault just installed in his bank.
114. How was the new vault of Elmore Bank?
👉The new vault of Elmore Bank was a small one, but it had a new, patented door. It fastened with three solid steel bolts thrown simultaneously with a single handle, and had a time-lock.
115. *Why was Mr Adams so proud of his new safe?
👉Mr Adams was so proud of his new safe because though it was a small one, it had a new, patented door. It fastened with three solid steel bolts thrown simultaneously with a single handle, and had a time-lock.
116. How did Mr Spencer react to Mr Adams’s explanation of workings of the new vault?
👉To Mr Adams’s explanation of the workings of the new vault Mr Spencer showed courteous but not too intelligent interest.
117. Who was May in the text ‘Jimmy Valentine’?
👉In the text ‘Jimmy Valentine’ by O’ Henry May was one of two little daughters of Annabel’s married sister whose aga was nine.
118. Who were May and Agatha?
👉In the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’ May and Agatha were the two little children of Annabel’s sister. May was nine years and Agatha was five years old.
119. Why were May and Agatha delighted?
👉May and Agatha were delighted by the shining metal and funny clock and knobs of the new safe and vault.
120. *How was Agatha trapped in the vault?
👉Agatha was trapped in the vault when unperceived by the elders, May, the nine-year old girl, in a spirit of play, had shut Agatha in the vault.
Related Questions
[I] Who shut Agatha in the vault?
[II] Who had shut Agatha in the vault?
129. Why could the door of the vault not be opened?
👉The door of the vault could not be opened because the clock had not been wound nor the combination set.
Related Question
Why was it not possible to open the door quickly?
👉It was not possible to open the door quickly because the clock as well as the combination had not been set.
130. *What made Agatha’s mother scream hysterically?
👉When Mr Adams said that the door of the vault could not be opened because the clock had not been wound nor the combination set, Agatha’s mother screamed hysterically.
Related Question
Why did Agatha’s mother scream?
131. “Listen to me.” Who said this and to whom?
👉Mr Adams said this to Agatha who had been shut in the vault.
132. “Can’t you do something, Ralph—?” Who said this and to whom?
👉The heroine of O’ Henry’s story ‘Alias Jimmy Valentine’ said this to Ralph D. Spencer i.e. Jimmy Valentine when she was desperate to save Agatha anyhow from the vault.
133. Why did Annabel turn to Jimmy to rescue Agatha?
👉Annabel turned to Jimmy to rescue Agatha because she believed that to a woman nothing seemed quite impossible to the powers of the man she worshipped.
134. What did Jimmy ask from Annabel before attempting to open the vault?
👉Before attempting to open the vault, Jimmy asked from Annabel the rose she was wearing.
135. Where did Jimmy keep up the bud of rose given by Annabel?
👉Before attempting to open the vault, Jimmy asked from Annabel the rose she was wearing. Annabel instantly placed the bud in Jimmy’s hand. Jimmy stuffed it into his vest pocket, and then he threw off his coat and pulled up shirt-sleeves to begin his rescue operation.
136. *With which act did Ralph Spencer pass away?
👉After stuffing the rose bud into his vest pocket, Jimmy threw off his coat and pulled up shirt-sleeves to begin his rescue operation. With that act Ralph D. Spencer passed away and Jimmy Valentine took his place.
137. What happened that Jimmy had to use his tools at the Elmore Bank in the presence of its owner?
👉In order to rescue Agatha from the locked vault, Jimmy had to use his tools at the Elmore Bank in the presence of its owner. When Jimmy had to use his tools at the Elmore Bank in the presence of its owner, his identity as a safe-cracker was disclosed.
138. *How much time did Jimmy take to break the vault of the Elmore Bank?
👉Jimmy took ten minutes to break the vault of the Elmore Bank.
Related Questions
[I] How much time did Jimmy Valentine take to break the bolt and open the door?
[II] How long did Jimmy take time to break the vault?
[III] How long did Jimmy take to open the vault?
[IV] How long did Jimmy take to break the vault?
139. *Whom did Jimmy Valentine rescue from the vault? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2014]
👉Jimmy rescued Agatha, one of two girls of Annabel’s married sister, from the vault.
Related Question
Whom did Jimmy Valentine rescue from the vault? How long did he take to do it?
👉Jimmy rescued Agatha, one of two girls of Annabel’s married sister, from the vault. He took ten minutes to do it.
140. “Agatha, almost collapsed, but safe, was gathered into her mother’s arms.” Who was Agatha?
👉Agatha was one of two girls of Annabel’s married sister. Her age was five.
141. What was Ben Price’s reaction on meeting Jimmy?
👉On meeting Jimmy, Ben Price acted rather strangely. He did not recognize Jimmy. He turned and strolled down the street.
Related Question
How did Ben Price react when Jimmy met him?
142. *“At the door a big man stood” Who was the ‘big-man’?
👉The big man was the famous detective in the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’ Ben Price.
Related Question
Who was the big man at the door of the bank?
143. “And then Ben Price acted rather strangely.” Why is Ben Price’s action described as strange?
👉Ben Price’s action is described as strange because though he knew well Jimmy, he did not recognize him.
144. “Guess you’re mistaken, Mr Spencer,” Who said this? What is the real name of Mr Spencer?
👉Ben Price, the famous detective in the story, ‘Jimmy Valentine’ said this. The real name of Mr Spencer was Jimmy Valentine.
Related Question
What was the real name of Ralph D Spencer?
145. “Guess you’re mistaken, Mr Spencer,” Was there really a ‘mistake’? Elucidate your answer.
👉No, there was no mistake. Ben Price willingly said this as he noticed Jimmy’s reformation in his character. He wanted to give Jimmy a chance to live his honest living.
Related Question
Why did Ben Price tell that Mr. Spencer was mistaken?
👉Ben Price willingly said this as he noticed Jimmy’s reformation in his character. He wanted to give Jimmy a chance to live his honest living.
146. Why do you think Ben Price reacted strangely at last?
👉I think Ben Price reacted strangely at last because he noticed Jimmy’s reformation in his character. He wanted to give Jimmy a chance to live his honest living.
Related Question
Why did Ben Price reacted strangely at last?
147. What happened at the end of the story?
👉At the end of the story, after not recognizing Jimmy willingly, Ben Price turned and strolled down the street.
148. What did Ben Price tell at the end of the story?
👉At the end of the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’ the famous detective Ben Price willingly told Jimmy that he did not recognize him and also mentioned that Mr. Spencer’s buggy was waiting for him to go. Lastly he turned and strolled down the street.
149. Why did Ben Price allow Jimmy to go without arrest?
👉Ben Price came to know that Jimmy was leading an honest life, so he did not arrest him.
Related Question
Why did not Ben Price arrest Jimmy?
1. Why does the author not mention the place of manufacture of Jimmy’s burglary tools?
👉The author of the short-story ‘Jimmy Valentine’ does not mention the place of manufacture of Jimmy’s burglary tools because the act of burglary is an illegal act.
2. Who was the partner of Jimmy in crime?
👉Jimmy had many friends in crime. In the text a name was mentioned by Jimmy himself. He was Billy, Jimmy’s dear old pal in St. Louis, the partner of Jimmy in crime.
3. On what ground was Jimmy Valentine’s imprisonment cut short?
👉As many influential and powerful friends of Jimmy outside the prison protested against Jimmy’s arrest, the governor near balked and cut short of Jimmy’s imprisonment.
4. How did Jimmy appear in place of Ralph Spencer?
👉As Jimmy stuffed Annabel’s rose in his vest pocket, threw off his coat and pulled up his shirt sleeves, Ralph D. Spencer passed away and Jimmy took his place.
Related Question
With what act did Ralph D Spencer pass away?️
5. Why did the clerk of the Planters’ Hotel want Ralph to settle in Elmore?
👉The clerk of the Planters’ Hotel wanted Ralph to settle in Elmore because he would find pleasure to live in there, and the people were very sociable there.
6. Why did not Mr. Spencer take the help of any boy to carry his suitcase?
👉While engaging a room in the Planters’ Hotel Mr. Spencer did not take the help of any boy to carry his suitcase to his room because it contained his heavy tools of burglary.
7. What did Mr. Adams say in a shaky voice about the locked vault?
👉In a shaky voice Mr. Adams said that no one nearer than Little Rock could open the door of the locked vault.
8. What did Mr. Ralph ask from Annabel before doing something with the vault?
👉When Annabel with her large eyes full of anguish turned to Jimmy for help, Jimmy, before doing something with the vault, asked from Annabel the rose she was wearing.
9. How did Mr Spencer accomplish his wish of his heart in Elmore?
👉After being successful in his business and also being socially successful in Elmore, Mr. Spencer met Miss Annabel Adams, and became more and more captivated by her charms. Even they were engaged to be married soon. Mr. Adams, the father of Annabel, approved of Mr. Spencer too