
Educate the Girl Child Report

By Golam Mortuja

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Write a report on a campaign on ‘Educate the Girl Child’ organised by your school. Mention the role of both students and teachers, purpose of this campaign, participation, response and so on. The report will be published in your school magazine. [Word-limit : 150 words] [2+8=10] 

[WBCHSE H.S. 2019, 2022]


By Golam Mortuja

Malda, 15th August, 2023 : To create awareness of the importance of girl’s education amongst all especially the guardians of the locality yesterday ABC High School [H.S.], on the occasion of Kanyashree Divas [14th August], organized a unique programme entitled ‘Educate the Girl Child’. A large number of students, ex-students, teachers and some interested local people took part in the programme. Mr Dipak Chatterjee, an eminent social reformer in the locality, graced the chair. The headmaster of the school presided over the programme. The programme included exhibition, seminar and cultural programme. Firstly an exhibition of posters highlighting the importance of girl’s education was organized in the school hall. Many students displayed their significant posters in the exhibition. Later a seminar on the importance of educating the girl children was held on the stage. In the seminar the chief guest and the headmaster and some social activists present on the stage delivered their valuable speeches on the importance of girl’s education. Lastly the programme was concluded with a cultural programme in which many took part whole-heartedly. Some students recited poems, some delivered their valuable speeches and some took part in a debate competition. Lastly the students of class-x staged a one-act play based on Rabindranath Tagore’s famous short-story ‘Sasthi’, a story about gender bias in the society. The performance of the play enthralled all present in the programme. Finally the headmaster declared the programme end with a vote of thanks to the attendants. All guardians and others who were present in the programme praised the school administration for organizing such an important programme.

Golam Mortuja

Hello! I'm Golam Mortuja is here to share with you my own creative English study materials from pre-primary level to master's and higher English competitive level for your betterment in English language and literature. So, stay updated.


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