
Cycle-shed Construction Letter

By Golam Mortuja

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Cycle-shed Construction


Write a letter to the headmaster /headmistress of your school requesting him / her for the construction of a cycle-shed. (Word limit : 150 words) [2+8=10]


The Headmaster, 

ABC High School [H.S.], 

Alal, Malda, 

Pin Code 733125

Sub : For cycle-shed construction


    As the school captain I, Raja Roy, a student of class-xii of your institution, on behalf of all students of the school, sorrowfully inform you that our school has no cycle-shed yet. So, most respectfully I, on behalf of the students of our school, approach you with the following proposal for your kind consideration.

  You know we come from the areas which are six or seven kilometers away from the school, and most of us come by bi-cycle. In the absence of a cycle-shed we keep our cycles in the classrooms and in the corridors. This obstructs the free movement of students in the classes and along the corridors. Some of us keep cycles in the common room, which causes great inconvenience to the other students. Occasionally a cycle or two are stolen away. Had there been a cycle-shed, we would have been spared these inconveniences.

   So I, on behalf of all the students of our school, request you to kindly construct a cycle-shed in our school campus as soon as possible. I will be highly obliged to you if you start the construction of the cycle-shed as early as possible keeping the inconveniences in mind.

Place : Alal, Malda     Yours faithfully, 

Date : 9th May, 2023        Raja Roy, 

                                      School Captain,         


                                  Sec – A, Roll No. 3

                            ABC High School [H.S.]


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Write a letter to the Head of the Institution requesting for the constructing of a cycle-shed. [Word-limit : 150 words] [2+8]

Golam Mortuja

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