Letter Writing
Issuing a Duplicate Passbook Letter
Request for Issuing a Duplicate Passbook Question You have lost your bank passbook. Write a letter to the manager of the bank requesting him to issue ...
Telephone Connection Letter
New Telephone Connection with High Speed Broadband Facility Question Write a letter to your Junior Technical Officer of your nearest Telephone Exchange for a broad-band connection ...
Change of Address Letter
Change of Address Question Write a letter to the Post Master of your local Post Office informing your change of address so that all your postal ...
Opening Bank Account Letter
Request for Opening a New Savings Bank Account Question Write a letter to the manager of your local nationalized bank for opening a savings bank account ...
Education Loan Letter
For Education Loan Question Write a letter to the Manager of the Bank for Education Loan. (Word-limit : 150 words) [2+8=10 ] To The Manager, United Bank ...
Loss of Mobile Phone Letter
Loss of Mobile Phone Question Suppose you have lost your mobile phone. Now write a letter to the OC of your local police station requesting him ...
Loss of Documents
Loss of Important Documents Question Suppose you have lost some of your important documents on road. Now make a general diary to the local police station. (Word ...