
Campaign against Plastic Bags

By Golam Mortuja

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Recently your school has organised a campaign against plastic bags in your locality. Now write a report on this topic for the local magazine. [World limit : 150 words] [10]


                                                By Golam Mortuja 

Malda, 24th March, 2023 : To create awareness amongst people about the hazard of plastic bags last week the Environment Awareness Club of ABC High School initiated ‘Say No To Plastic Bags’ campaign in the school campus. The main objective of this campaign was to make students and people of the locality aware of the bad effects of plastic bags on environment, human beings and animals. A large number of students, teachers and local interested people had come forward to give their tremendous support to this programme. Banners bearing this slogan were displayed in the school campus. The programme was started with an opening song related to the campaign. Then the president of the programme, the headmaster of the school delivered his motivational and informative lecture on this topic. In his brief speech he apprised the people gathered there of the hazardous effects of the use of plastic bags. The chief guest also enlightened the people about drawbacks of the use of plastic bags, and he insisted that people must use bags made of cloth, paper and jute instead of these dangerous non-biodegradable plastic bags. Then some students also gave their valuable speeches on the topic. A one act play was also staged related to the campaign. At last the students under the guidance of the teachers took out a rally in the locality carrying placards with various slogans. There was enthusiasm among them and the local people. The programme was a very successful one.


Related Questions

1️⃣ Your School has been declared a ‘Plastic Free-zone’. Write a report on how the teachers, students and others campaigned for the success of the mission, the rules implemented to stop use of plastic and day-to-day action taken by student-volunteers to keep the school campus plastic free. [Word limit : 150 words] [2+8=10]

2️⃣ Suppose you are the reporter of a national daily published from Kolkata. A campaign was conducted on ‘Say No to Polythene Bags’ in your city to create among people not to use polythene bags. Now write a report in 100-125 words highlighting the activities conducted. [2+8=10] 

3️⃣ Recently you attended a seminar on ‘Plastic Carry Bags–A Threat to Environment’ in which matters related to harmful effects of plastic were discussed. Write a report in about 150 words for your school magazine on it. [2+8=10] 

Golam Mortuja

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