
Asleep in the Valley MCQ

By Golam Mortuja

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Asleep in the Valley MCQ

Asleep in the Valley – An Anti-war Poem

Arthur Rimbaud [1854-1891]
MCQ – 1 Mark
1. The writer of the poem is 

(A) Rupart Brook

(B) Wilfred Owen

(C) Arthur Rimbaud

(D) Siegfried Sassoon.

2. *What was Rimbaud’s nationality?
[WBCHSE Sample Question]

(A) French

(B) Dutch

(C) German

(D) Russian.

3. The poet wrote the poem when French was involved in war with 

(A) Germany

(B) Russia

(C) Spain

(D) Portugal.

4. *What is the form used here?
[WBCHSE Sample Question]

(A) ode

(B) haiku

(C) sonnet

(D) dramatic monologue.

5. ‘Asleep in the Valley’ is a poem about

(A) nature

(B) war

(C) personal experience

(D) social inequality.

6. *The poem reflects 

(A) the pity of war

(B) the glory of war

(C) the beauty of the valley

(D) the beauty of the soldier.

7. *The valley where the soldier is dead is 

(A) big

(B) deep

(C) small

(D) long.

8. *The valley described in the poem is 

(A) sandy

(B) dry

(C) dark

(D) green.

9. The word ‘green’ in the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’ signifies 

(A) monotony

(B) youth and life

(C) fatigue

(D) jealousy.

10. *The sunrays are compared to a 

(A) flowing stream

(B) glaring fire-ball

(C) stagnant ball

(D) thing of glory.

11. The strands look bright like

(A) gold

(B) diamond

(C) silver

(D) copper.

12. A slow stream flows and leaves long strands of silver on

(A) the valley

(B) the bright grass

(C) the foothills

(D) the plains.

13. *The stream flows through the valley 
[WBCHSE H.S. 2023]

(A) in a zigzag course

(B) at a slow pace

(C) swiftly

(D) in a halting manner.

14. The sun’s rays flow from

(A) the sky

(B) the valley

(C) the mountaintop stream

(D) the heaven.

15. “They fill the hollow full of light” Here ‘the hollow’ means

(A) a vacant place

(B) a silent place

(C) the valley

(D) a loud cry.

16. The valley is filled with the light of the 

(A) moon

(B) torch

(C) volcano

(D) sun.

17. *The dead soldier was
[WBCHSE Sample Question]

(A) not very young

(B) middle aged

(C) very young

(D) an aged person.

18. The phrase, “A soldier very young” suggests to the fact that

(A) soldiers are always young

(B) young soldiers always love to go to the battlefield

(C) young soldiers are sacrificed in the warfare

(D) none of the above.

19. The soldier lies

(A) calmly

(B) open-mouthed

(C) patiently

(D) with open eyes.

20. *The soldier’s pillow is made of
[WBCHSE H.S. 2017]

(A) flowers

(B) fern

(C) grass

(D) leaves.

21. *”……….stretched in the heavy undergrowth” Here ‘undergrowth’ refers to

(A) dry leaves

(B) tall grasses

(C) bushes and plants

(D) marshy land.

22. *The dead soldier looks 

(A) cold

(B) warm

(C) pale

(D) sun-soaked.

23. “Pale in his warm, green…” Here ‘pale’ signifies 

(A) cold

(B) faded

(C) colourful

(D) weak.

24. ‘Sun-soaked’ means 

(A) something burnt by the sun

(B) something devoured by the sun

(C) something lighted by the sun

(D) something that receives the sun’s rays.

25. *The young soldier in the valley sleeps in the 

(A) evening

(B) bed

(C) sunlight

(D) moonlight.

26. *The feet of the soldier are lying on 

(A) a log

(B) a pillow

(C) some ferns

(D) an array of flowers.

27. The valley referred to in the poem is 

(A) full of darkness

(B) full of greenery

(C) full of flowers

(D) full of trees.

28. *The soldier’s innocence is seen through his 

(A) face

(B) eyes

(C) open-mouth

(D) smile.

29. *The smile of the dead soldier is compared to that of 

(A) an infant

(B) an innocent child

(C) an angel

(D) a tired man.

30. *The smile of the soldier in the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’ is 
[WBCHSE H.S. 2015]

(A) gentle

(B) witty

(C) foolish

(D) cunning.

31. *The word ‘without guile’ suggests 

(A) a person’s shyness

(B) a man’s character

(C) a person’s innocence

(D) one’s simplicity.

32. *Nature is pleaded to keep the soldier 
[WBCHSE H.S. 2019]

(A) pleasant

(B) warm

(C) asleep

(D) peaceful.

33. *The humming insects don’t disturb him because 
[WBCHSE Sample Question] 

(A) he is dead

(B) he is peaceful

(C) he is a nature lover

(D) he is violent.

34. *One hand of the soldier is on his 
[WBCHSE H.S. 2016]

(A) face

(B) gun

(C) breast

(D) side.

35. Whom does the poet direct to keep the soldier warm?

(A) Sun

(B) Nature

(C) God

(D) Mountains.

36. *The words ‘red holes’ mean 
[WBCHSE H.S. 2020] 

(A) spots of blood clots

(B) red flowers in the valley

(C) bullet wounds

(D) none of these.

37. *The marks of wound of the soldier are 
[WBCHSE H.S. 2018, 2022] 

(A) on his head

(B) on his chest

(C) in his side

(D) in his leg.

38. *The soldier lies in the valley because he is a
[WBCHSE Sample Question] 

(A) winner in the war

(B) casualty of war

(C) sleeping person

(D) chocolate-cream soldier.

39. The colour depicted at the end of the poem is 

(A) black

(B) blue

(C) red

(D) grey.

40. *What is the theme of this poem?
[WBCHSE Sample Question]

(A) the futility of war

(B) celebration of peace

(C) brotherhood of man

(D) the valour of soldiers.

41. *What kind of poetry does the poet use to drive home the pity of war?
[WBCHSE Sample Question]

(A) lyrical

(B) satirical

(C) rhetorical

(D) epic.

42. *The setting of this war goes back to 
[WBCHSE Sample Question]

(A) World War I

(B) World War II

(C) The Cold War

(D) 1870s Europe.

43. The ‘sleep’ of the soldier indicates 

(A) rest

(B) death

(C) laziness

(D) recreation.

44. *The soldier’s innocence is described through a simile :
[WBCHSE Sample Question]

(A) His smile is innocent.

(B) He is peaceful.

(C) He is young.

(D) He sleeps open-mouthed.

45. *The soldier appears 
[WBCHSE H.S. 2024]

(A) cold

(B) warm

(C) pale

(D) bright.

1. “Asleep in the Valley” is written by

(A) John Keats

(B) William Shakespeare

(C) Percy Bysshe Shelley

(D) Arthur Rimbaud.

2. “Asleep in the Valley” is a poem on

(A) nature

(B) love

(C) war

(D) adventure.

3. The ‘two red-holes’ depict in the poem, “Asleep in the Valley”

(A) arrow piercings

(B) blood clots

(C) stab marks

(D) bullet wounds.

4. The valley where the soldier is lying dead is

(A) small and green

(B) big and green

(C) rocky and barren

(D) big and steep.

5. The theme of the poem, “Asleep in the Valley” deals with

(A) glory of war

(B) beauty of nature

(C) futility of war

(D) beauty of the soldier.

6. “A soldier…..lies open-mouthed” The ‘soldier’ referred to here is

(A) very old

(B) very young

(C) middle-aged

(D) old.

7. The soldier lies

(A) silently

(B) shut-mouthed

(C) open-mouthed

(D) smilingly.

8. “They fill the hollow full of light.” Here ‘they’ refers to

(A) the bushes

(B) the plants

(C) the insects

(D) the sun’s rays.

9. The phrase ‘long strands of silver’ actually refers to

(A) the sun

(B) the moon

(C) a stream

(D) the silvery ribbon.

10. The soldier in the poem, “Asleep in the Valley” looks

(A) good

(B) bad

(C) bright

(D) pale.

11. The soldier’s smile is compared to that of a/an

(A) young man

(B) aged person

(C) infant

(D) boy.

12. The humming insects don’t disturb the sleeping soldier because

(A) he is dead

(B) he is violent

(C) he is peaceful

(D) he is a lover of nature.

13. When the soldier was sleeping in the valley, he had

(A) two hands on his breast

(B) left hand on his head

(C) his mouth open and one hand on his breast

(D) right leg raised from the ground.

14. The tone of the poem, “Asleep in the Valley” is

(A) tragic

(B) comic

(C) satiric

(D) aggressive.

15. The stream flows in the valley

(A) swiftly

(B) slowly

(C) violently

(D) quietly.

16. In the poem, “Asleep in the Valley” the attitude of nature to the soldier is

(A) angry

(B) callous

(C) sympathetic

(D) cruel.

17. In the poem, “Asleep in the Valley” the bed of the soldier who lies asleep is

(A) cold, wet and rough

(B) green, warm and sun-soaked

(C) colourful, soft and pleasant

(D) disorganized, tattered and dirty

18. The sun’s rays are coming from

(A) the valley

(B) the mountaintop

(C) the river

(D) the sky above.

19. The soldier’s pillow is made of

(A) cotton

(B) cloth

(C) fern

(D) flowers.

20. “…..stretched in the heavy undergrowth” Here ‘heavy undergrowth’ refers to

(A) a dense growth of shrubs

(B) a growth in a person’s armpit

(C) the lowest social cast in a community

(D) place under the soldier to raise him.

21. The soldier’s feet are

(A) on the pillow made of fern

(B) in the bed of grass

(C) among the flowers

(D) in the stream.

22. According to Arthur Rimbaud, an infant’s smile is

(A) sly and cunning

(B) full of guile

(C) gentle–without guile

(D) the reflection of an impure intelligence.

23. The setting of the war given in “Asleep in the Valley” goes back to

(A) World War I

(B) World War II

(C) The Cold War

(D) 1870s Europe.

24. The poet, Arthur Rimbaud’s nationality was

(A) English

(B) Indian

(C) French

(D) American.

25. The type of the poem, “Asleep in the Valley” is

(A) Modern Sonnet

(B) Shakespearean Sonnet

(C) Victorian Sonnet

(D) Italian or Petrarchan Sonnet.

26. The pillow made of fern is found

(A) beside the soldier

(B) on the soldier’s body

(C) beneath the soldier’s head

(D) in between his two arms.

27. The innocence of the soldier is expressed through best his

(A) smile

(B) sleep

(C) posture

(D) weapons.

28. The red-holes made by bullets are on the

(A) head of the soldier

(B) chest of the soldier

(C) side of the soldier

(D) back of the soldier.

29. The word ‘humming’ means

(A) shouting

(B) sobbing

(C) sniffing

(D) making a continuous sound.

30. In the poem, “Asleep in the Valley” the word ‘hollow’ means

(A) grassland

(B) valley

(C) stream

(D) mountain.

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Read Asleep in the Valley DQ

Golam Mortuja

Hello! I'm Golam Mortuja is here to share with you my own creative English study materials from pre-primary level to master's and higher English competitive level for your betterment in English language and literature. So, stay updated.


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