
Annual Sports Day Report

By Golam Mortuja

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Annual Sports Day Celebration


Write a report for your school magazine on how the Annual Sports Day was observed in your school with special emphasis on the events occurred, participation of the students, guests and prize giving ceremony. [Word-limit : 150 words] [10]

                                 By Golam Mortuja 

Malda, 26th December, 2022 : Like every year this year also ABC High School (H.S.) celebrated the Annual Sports Day with pomp and splendour at the school ground on 25th December, yesterday at 10 A.M. A large number of students wearing school uniform, all teaching and non-teaching staff and many local interested people took part in the celebration whole-heartedly to enjoy it. The students decorated the playground with some small flags and festoons of different colors. They made a small dias at the northern corner of the ground. The D.M. Malda district was the chief guest of the occasion. The celebration was inaugurated by hoisting the national flag along with the Annual Sports flag by the headmaster of the institution in the gleeful presence of the guests. After that the the students marched around the playground with the rhythm and beating of the drum. And then the celebration was started fully. There were many events in the celebration. The running events comprising of 100 metres, 200 metres, 400 metres, 800 metres and 1600 metresrace started with huge round of applause. The jump events included the Long Jump, High Jump, and the throwing events included Discuss Throwing, Shot put and Javelin Throwing, and there also included some amusing events like Cricket ball Throwing, Marble Spoon Race, Potato Race, Musical Chair, Tug of War etc. were going on full swing. The competitors tried their best to excel in the events. The last event, Go-as-you-like was a very attractive one rousing great laughter. The position holders were given prizes by the guests present at the dias. Amit Kumar, a student of class-x was selected the best athlete in this celebration. The event came to an end at around 4 P.M. with the inspiring speech of the president.


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1️⃣ Write a report within 150 words for the Annual Magazine of your school on the Annual Sports Event of your school. [10]

2️⃣ Write a report on the celebration of Annual Sports Day of your school to be published in the school magazine. [Word-limit : 150 words] [10]

3️⃣ Write a report on the annual sports of your school to be published in the school magazine. [Word-limit : 150 words] [2+8=10]

[WBCHSE H.S. 2016]

Golam Mortuja

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