
Wisdom of King Solomon Story

By Golam Mortuja

Updated on:


King Solomon and Queen of Sheba


Develop the following information into an ideal story and give a suitable title and a moral to it. [Word-limit : 150 – 200] [2+8=10]

[Hints : King Solomon famous for his wealth and Wisdom — Queen Sheba wanted to test the wisdom– came with two garlands — one real and other artificial — Solomon was asked to pick up the real one — the windows were opened — bees came in –> real garland detected.]


Once upon a time there was a king named Solomon. He was famous for his wealth and wisdom, and he was considered as one of the greatest knowledgeable kings. His reign was marked by his prudent judgement and wise approaches to the world and its people. The entire kingdom was blessed by such a great king. The people were very happy to be the subjects of king Solomon. Adjacent to the kingdom of the king Solomon, there was a small kingdom named Sheba. The queen of Sheba came to know about king Solomon’s fame. She was not only beautiful but also an intelligent queen, and therefore, she eagerly wanted to test the knowledge and wisdom of king Solomon. 

Oneday the queen of Sheba came to the palace of king Solomon. She carried two garlands of roses–one real and the other artificial. It was a large hall where king Solomon welcomed the queen of Sheba. The queen placed the two garlands in the middle of the hall on a stand. The courtiers and others present there surprisingly waited to see the purpose of the queen’s bringing the two garlands of roses. The queen of Sheba honoured king Solomon and asked him most respectfully to chose the original garland of roses. The king and the courtiers were confused because both the garlands looked alike and real. Looking at the garlands king Solomon thought for a while and ordered his servant to open the windows of the hall. Soon the bees came in and sat on the original garland of the roses. Smiling at the queen, king Solomon picked up the real one. The queen was impressed and she could not help admiring king Solomon. 

Moral : Wisdom has its own decorum.


Related Question

Develop the following outline into a short story in about 150 — 200 words. Provide the story a suitable title. [2+8]

[King Solomon known for his wealth and wisdom — subjects of the king were very happy — queen of Sheba wanted to test king Solomon’s knowledge — carried so alike two garlands of roses — one real and other artificial — queen asked the king to pick up the real one — all were surprised — the king ordered to open the windows — bees came in — king Solomon pick up the real one tactfully — the queen admired king Solomon.]

Golam Mortuja

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