
Three Questions SAQ

By Golam Mortuja

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Three Questions SAQ

Three Questions – A Short-story

Leo Tolstoy [1828-1910]

SAQ – 1 /2 Marks
1. *What is the real name of Leo Tolstoy?

👉The real name of Leo Tolstoy is Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

2. Who is Leo Tolstoy?

👉Leo Tolstoy is a famous Russian writer, philosopher and also a religious thinker.

3. *Who is a Tsar?

👉A Tsar was a Russian ruler.

Related Question
Write about Tsar in a line.

👉In olden times Russian or Bulgarian rulers were called as Tsar.


4. *To whom did the three questions occur? [WBCHSE Sample Question]

👉The three questions occurred to a certain Tsar.

5. What was the first question?

👉The first question of the Tsar was—“What is the most important time to begin everything?”

Related Question
What was the first question of the Tsar?


6. *What was the second question of the Tsar? [WBCHSE H.S. 2020]

👉The second question of the Tsar was—“Who are the most important people to listen to?”

7. *What was the third question that worried the Tsar?

👉The third question that worried the Tsar was—“What is the most important thing to do?”

Related Questions
[I] What was the third question of the Tsar?
[II *What was the third question that came to the Tsar’s mind? [WBCHSE H.S. 2024]

👉The third question that came to the Tsar’s mind was—“What is the most important thing to do?”


8. *What prompted the Tsar to know the answer to the three questions?

👉The Tsar wanted to know the answer to the three questions because he wanted to be successful in everything he might undertake.

9. *What did the Tsar proclaim throughout his kingdom?

👉The Tsar proclaimed throughout his kingdom that he would give him a great reward who would teach him the right answer of his three questions.

10. *Why did learned men come to the Tsar? [WBCHSE Sample Question]

👉The learned men came to the Tsar to answer of his three questions.

11. What advice did the learned men give about the right time to begin everything?

👉About the right time to begin everything the learned men advised the Tsar to draw up in advance a table of days, months and years, and live strictly according to it.

12. According to some learned men who can foretell what is going to happen?

👉According to some learned men, only magicians can foretell what is going to happen.

13. *Who were the most necessary people according to the learned men?

👉According to the learned men, the most necessary people to the Tsar were his councillors, or, the priests, or the doctors, or the warriors.

14. What answers were given in reply to the third question?

👉In reply to the third question, some replied that the most important thing in the world was science, others, skill in warfare; and others again, religious worship.

15. Who won the reward?

👉None of the learned men won the reward.

16. Why did the Tsar agree with none of the learned men?

👉All the answers being different, the Tsar agreed with none of the learned men.

17. *Why did the Tsar decide to consult the hermit? [WBCHSE Sample Question]

👉Still wishing to find the right answers to his questions, the Tsar decided to consult the hermit.

18. *Why did the Tsar go to the forest?

👉The Tsar went to the forest to meet the hermit to get the right answers to his three questions.

19. *Where did the hermit in ‘Three Questions’ live? [WBCHSE H.S. 2017]

👉In ‘Three Questions’ the hermit lived in a wood which he never quitted.

Related Question
*Where did the hermit live? [WBCHSE H.S. 2023]

👉The hermit lived in  a wood which he never quitted.


20. *Why did the hermit live in a forest?

👉The hermit lived in a forest because he preferred to lead a simple life.

21. *What was the hermit widely renowned for?

👉The hermit was widely renowned for his wisdom.

22. *Whom did the hermit receive? [WBCHSE H.S. 2016]

👉The hermit received none but common folk.

23. *Why did the Tsar put on simple clothes before meeting the hermit? [WBCHSE H.S. 2018, 2022]

👉The Tsar put on simple clothes before meeting the hermit because the hermit received none but common folk.

24. *How did the Tsar meet the hermit? [WBCHSE H.S. 2018]

👉Putting on simple clothes, the Tsar met the hermit alone.

25. *What was the hermit doing when the Tsar came to visit him? [WBCHSE H.S. 2015]

👉When the Tsar came to visit the hermit, he [the hermit] was digging the ground in front of his hut.

26. *How was the hermit in the story ‘Three Questions’ to look at?

👉In the story ‘Three Questions’ the hermit was frail and weak to look at.

27. *How did the hermit receive the Tsar? 

👉When the Tsar approached, seeing the Tsar, the hermit greeted him.

28. *Why did the hermit breathe heavily?

👉The hermit breathed heavily because he was frail and weak.

29. *What did the hermit do when the Tsar requested him for the first time to answer his questions?

👉When the Tsar requested the hermit for the first time to answer his questions, he [the hermit] listened to the Tsar, but answered nothing.

30. How did the Tsar help the hermit?

👉The Tsar helped the hermit by digging the ground for him.

31. *How many seed beds had the Tsar dug?

👉The Tsar had dug two seed beds.

32. When did the Tsar repeat his questions?

👉When the Tsar had dug two beds, he stopped and repeated his questions.

33. “Now rest awhile-and let me work a bit” — Who said this? Did the other person let the speaker work? 

👉The hermit said this to the Tsar. No, the Tsar did not let the hermit to work.

34. *Why does the Tsar take the spade from the hermit?

👉The Tsar takes the spade from the hermit, because he wants to help him by digging the ground for the hermit.

35. What happened when the Tsar was about to return home? 

👉When the Tsar was about to return home, he saw a bearded man come running out of the wood.

36. What was the man’s condition?

👉The man held his hands pressed against his stomach and blood was flowing from under them.

37. *Which part of the body of the bearded man was injured in the story ‘Three Questions’? [WBCHSE H.S. 2017]

👉In the story ‘Three Questions’ the bearded man was injured in his stomach.

38. *Who unfastened the wounded man’s clothing?

👉The Tsar with the hermit’s help unfastened the wounded man’s clothing.

39. *How did the Tsar tend the wounded man?

👉The Tsar washed the large wound as best as he could, and bandaged it with his handkerchief and a towel the hermit had.

40. *What was the wound of the bearded man bandaged with?

👉The wound of the bearded man was bandaged with the Tsar’s handkerchief and a towel the hermit had.

41. *What did the Tsar give the wounded man after he revived?

👉After the wounded man revived, the Tsar gave fresh water to him to drink.

42. *Why did the Tsar remove the bandage repeatedly?

👉As the blood would not stop flowing, the Tsar repeatedly removed the bandage soaked with warm blood.

43. *Why did the Tsar fall asleep?

👉As the Tsar was so tired with his walk and the work he had done, he fell asleep so soundly.

Related Question
*What made the Tsar tired?


44. *Where did the Tsar fall asleep? [WBCHSE H.S. 2015]

👉The Tsar fell asleep on the threshold of the hermit’s hut.

45. What do you mean by ‘intently’?

👉The word ‘intently’ means ‘in a concentrated manner’.

46. *What did the Tsar see when he woke up in the next morning?

👉When the Tsar woke up in the next morning, he saw the strange bearded man lying on the bed gazing intently at him with shining eyes.

47. *Who was the bearded man in ‘Three Questions’?

👉In ‘Three Questions’ the bearded man was a sworn enemy of the Tsar.

48. *”Forgive me!” Who said this and to whom?

👉The wounded bearded man said this to the Tsar.

49. *”You do not know me, but I know you.” Who said this and to whom?

👉The wounded bearded man said this to the Tsar.

50. *Why did the man come out of his ambush?

👉When the day passed and the Tsar did not return, the man came out of his ambush to find the Tsar.

51. *Why did the wounded man ask for forgiveness?

👉When the wounded man saw the Tsar, whom he resolved to kill, had saved his life, he repented and asked for forgiveness.

52. *What did the wounded man promise the Tsar? [WBCHSE H.S. 2020]

👉The wounded man promised the Tsar to serve him as as his most faithful slave, and he would bid his sons to do the same.

53. *Why was the bearded man a sworn enemy of the Tsar? [WBCHSE Sample Question]

👉The bearded man was a sworn enemy of the Tsar because the Tsar executed his brother and seized his property.

54. *Why did the man want to take revenge? [WBCHSE H.S. 2016, 2024]

👉The man wanted to take revenge on the Tsar because the Tsar executed his brother and seized his property.

55. What did the Tsar do to compensate the man for the loss he had suffered?

👉To compensate the man for the loss he had suffered the Tsar promised to restore his property.

56. *Why was the Tsar glad?

👉The Tsar was very glad to have made peace with his enemy so easily.

57. *Who became a friend of the Tsar?

👉The wounded bearded man became a friend of the Tsar.

58. *What was the hermit doing when the Tsar came to take leave of him? [WBCHSE H.S. 2019, 2022]

👉When the Tsar came to take leave of the hermit, he [the hermit] was sowing seeds in the beds that had been dug the day before.

59. *How many times did the Tsar ask the hermit for an answer?

👉The Tsar asked the hermit four times for an answer to his questions.

60. *What, according to the hermit, is the most important thing to do? [WBCHSE H.S. 2019, 2022]

👉According to the hermit, the most important thing to do is to do good to one with whom one is.

61. *What, according to the hermit, is the most important time? [WBCHSE Sample Question]

👉According to the hermit, the most important time is ‘now’ [the present time].

62. Who, according to the hermit, is the most important person?

👉According to the hermit, the most important person is one with whom one is.

63. *What single word did the hermit use to indicate the most important time in human life?

👉The hermit used the single word ‘now’ to indicate the most important time in human life.

64. *Why, according to the hermit, is present so important?

👉According to the hermit, present is so important because it is the only time when one has any power.

65. Why, according to the hermit, is man sent to this life?

👉According to the hermit, man is sent to this life only for doing good to one with whom one is.

1. Who, according to the learned men, would be the most important persons to the Tsar?

👉According to the learned men, the most important persons to the Tsar would be his councillors, or, the priests, or the doctors, or the warriors.

2. Why did the Tsar give no reward to the learned men? 

👉All the answers being different, the Tsar agreed with none of them, and gave the reward to none.

3. How did the Tsar go to the woods? 

👉Putting on simple clothes and leaving his bodyguard behind, the Tsar went on alone to the woods.

4. Who went with the Tsar to the woods?

👉The Tsar went on alone to the woods.

5. Who first came to answer the questions of the Tsar?

👉The learned men first came to answer the questions of the Tsar.

6. How did a council of wise men help the Tsar?

👉A council of wise men could help the Tsar by fixing the proper time for every action.

7. “Here comes someone running.” — Who came running? 

👉The sworn enemy of the Tsar–the wounded bearded man came running out of the wood.

8. How did the Tsar dress the wound? 

👉The Tsar, after washing the wound of the beaded man as best as he could, dressed it with his handkerchief and with a towel the hermit had.

9. Where did the Tsar sleep? 

👉The Tsar slept on the threshold of the hermit’s cottage.

10. Why was the wounded man an enemy of the Tsar? 

👉The wounded man was an enemy of the Tsar because the Tsar executed his brother and seized his property.

11. *Who wounded the bearded man? [WBCHSE H.S. 2023]

👉The Tsar’s bodyguard wounded the bearded man.

12. Who saved the life of the bearded man? 

👉The Tsar with the hermit’s help saved the life of the bearded man.

13. How did the wounded man want to serve the Tsar? 

👉The wounded man promised the Tsar to serve him as his most faithful slave, and he also would bid his sons to do the same.

14. What promise was made by the Tsar to the wounded man? 

👉The Tsar promised the wounded man to restore his property.

15. Who was said to be the most important man to the Tsar when he was digging the land? 

👉When the Tsar was digging the land, the hermit was said to be the most important man to the Tsar.

16. Which, according to the hermit, is the most important business of a man’s life? 

👉According to the hermit, the most important business of a man’s life is to do good to one with whom he or she is.

17. What is the most important time for every man? 

👉The most important time for every man is now [the present time].


Read Three Questions MCQ 
Read Three Questions DQ

Golam Mortuja

Hello! I'm Golam Mortuja is here to share with you my own creative English study materials from pre-primary level to master's and higher English competitive level for your betterment in English language and literature. So, stay updated.


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