
The English Soldier and the Bird-seller Story

By Golam Mortuja

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An English Soldier and a Bird-sellerQuestionRead the following outline and develop a story with the help of it. Give a suitable title and moral it. [Word-limit : 150 – 200] [2+8=10][Hints : An English young man — became a soldier — the second world war broke out — sent to France — dreamt of his village — forced to fight —  imprisoned — finally released from the prison after the war — returned home — visited a bird shop — bought all the cages full of birds — set them free — why? — possible answer.] 


Once a young man in England was very happy with his country life. With his hungry eyes and ears, he enjoyed the nature and smelt of the wind. He joyfully sowed the seeds in the fields. He lived in a small beautiful cottage with his dearest wife. He was happy to be amidst nature. Suddenly the second world war broke out violently and though he was unwilling to go to the war front, the government compelled him to go to France as a soldier. So oneday leaving behind his beautiful cottage, green fields and the gentle breeze of his countryside, he boarded the train. But unfortunately his country was defeated in the battlefield, and he was imprisoned for many years. When the war came to an end, he was set free. Coming out of the prison, he again tasted the joys of freedom and he gladly returned to his home in England to reunite with his family. Oneday, while he was passing by a market, he saw a bird seller with the cages full of birds. He bought all the cages full of birds and opened all the cages one after another to set all the birds free one by one. The birds freely flew away into the sky. The amazed bird seller asked the soldier, “Why have you spent so much money for nothing?” The man replied, “I know the agony of captivity. When I was a prisoner of war, I always longed to be free and see my near and dear ones. So I can fully realize the miserable condition of the birds. I have, therefore, spent a little money to set them free.” The soldier felt very happy and left the place. 

Moral : Freedom is more valuable than

anything else.

Golam Mortuja

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