
Nobel Lecture SAQ

By Golam Mortuja

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Nobel Lecture SAQ

Nobel Lecture

Mother Teresa [1910-1997]

SAQ – 1 /2 Marks
1. *In which year was Mother Teresa awarded the Nobel?

👉Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel in 1979.

Related Question
When did Mother Teresa win the Noble Prize?

👉Mother Teresa won the Noble Prize on 11 December, 1979.


2. In which field did Mother Teresa win the Noble Prize?

👉Mother Teresa won the Noble Prize for Peace.

3. *What is ‘Holy Communion’? 

👉Holy Communion is the most important religious service in the Christian church, in which people share bread and wine as a symbol of the Last Supper and the death of Christ.


Holy Communion is a Christian ritual that is observed commemorating the ‘Last Supper’ of Jesus Christ with his disciples.


4. *When did Mother Teresa receive permission from the Holy See to start her own order ‘The Missionaries of Charity‘?

👉On October 7, 1950, Mother Teresa received permission from the Holy See to start her own order, “The Missionaries of Charity”.

5. *What prayer did Mother Teresa refer to? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2023]

👉At the beginning of her Nobel Lecture Mother Teresa referred to the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi.

6. How was the world 400-500 years ago? 

👉400-500 years ago the world had the same difficulties as that we have today.

7. Why was God hurt, according to Mother Teresa? 

👉According to Mother Teresa, God was hurt to give his son, Jesus Christ, to the world because He loved the world much.

8. ‘As soon as he came in her life’— Who is referred to as ‘he’ here? In whose life did he come?

👉Here ‘he’ refers to the son of God–Jesus Christ.

He came as a man in the life of Virgin Mary.

9. Why did Mother Mary go to her cousin’s house in haste? 

👉Mother Mary went to her cousin’s house in haste to give the good news of Jesus’s coming in the womb of her as a human to bring love and peace for all humankind.

10. Who is named as the ‘Prince of Peace’? 

👉Jesus Christ is named as the ‘Prince of Peace’.

11. What was the good news brought by Jesus Christ? 

👉The good news brought by Jesus Christ was the good news of peace and love for the human world.

12. Why was Jesus sent to the earth? 

👉Jesus was sent to the earth by God to bring the good news of peace and love for the whole mankind.

13. How did Jesus show his greater love to mankind?

👉Jesus died on the cross to show his greater love to mankind.

14. What sacrifice did Jesus Christ make? 

👉To make sure his great love Jesus made himself the bread of life to satisfy the hunger of the people for his love. He died on the cross to show his greater love to mankind.

15. *Whom did St. John call a liar? 

👉According to St. John, one who says he loves God and he won’t love his neighbour is a liar.

16. *Whom should we love to love God as advised by St. John? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2019]

👉St. John advised to love God we should love our neighbour whom we see, whom we touch, with whom we live.

17. *“I was hungry — I was naked — I was homeless — I was unwanted” — Who said these words? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2014]

👉Jesus Christ, the ‘Prince of Peace’ said these words.

18. *Among whom can we find Christ?

👉We can find Christ among the hungry one, the naked one, the homeless one, the seek one, the one in prison, the lonely one and the unwanted one.

19. *“I never forget an opportunity….” What opportunity does Mother Teresa speak of here? 

👉Here Mother Teresa speaks of the opportunity of visiting an old-age home where old parents were just put and might be forgotten by their sons and daughters.

Related Questions
[I] “I never forget an opportunity….” What was the opportunity mentioned in the quoted line?
[II] “I never forget an opportunity….” Which opportunity does the speaker speak of?
[III] “I never forget an opportunity I had in visiting a home” How did Mother Teresa recall her experience of that visit.


20. Why did the old parents in the old age home keep looking towards the door? 

👉The old parents in the old age home kept looking towards the door because nearly everyday, they were expecting, they were hoping that a son or daughter would come to visit them.

21. Why were the faces of the old parents devoid of smile at the old age home? 

👉At the old age home the faces of the old parents were devoid of smile because they were hurt because they were forgotten by their own sons and daughters.

22. *What surprised Mother Teresa in the West? 

👉Mother Teresa was surprised in the West to see so many young boys and girls given into drugs.

Related Questions
[I] Which aspect of the West surprised Mother Teresa?
[II] What did Mother Teresa feel surprised about in the West?


23. Whom did Mother Teresa blame for the misfortune of the children of the West? 

👉Mother Teresa blamed young parents engaging in some institution avoiding own children for the misfortune of the children of the West.

24. *What is Mother Teresa’s point of view about drug addiction among young people? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2016]

👉Mother Teresa believes that young people take to drugs when they are deprived of parental love. Their parents have no time to receive them as they are so busy in doing their duties in some institution. Thus the children, being lonely, take back in the street and get involved in something like drug addicting.

Related Questions
[I] What did Mother Teresa comment about drug-addiction among young people?
[II] Why, according to Mother Teresa, the young boys and girls in the West get addicted to drugs?

👉According to Mother Teresa, the young boys and girls in the West get addicted to drugs because there is no one in the family to receive them. Even their parents have no time to spare with them as they are so busy in some institution. Thus the children, being lonely, take back in the street and get involved in something like drug addicting.

[III] Why were the young boys and girls in the West becoming drug addicts?
[IV] Why, according to Mother Teresa, were so many young boys and girls given into drugs in the West?


25. *What, according to Mother Teresa, is the greatest destroyer of peace today? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2014]

👉According to Mother Teresa, the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion.

Related Questions️
[I] *What, according to Mother Teresa, is the greatest destroyer of peace today and why?

👉According to Mother Teresa, the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion because it is a direct war, a direct killing—direct murder by the mother herself.

[II] Why did Mother Teresa think that ‘abortion is the greatest destroyer of peace’?


26. *How did Mother Teresa fight abortion?

👉Mother Teresa fought abortion by adopting unwanted children.

Related Questions
[I] *How did Mother Teresa want to fight abortion? [WBCHSE Sample Question]

👉Mother Teresa wanted to fight abortion by adopting unwanted children. She along with her co-workers sent words to all the clinics, to the hospitals, police stations– not to destroy the child, they would take the child. And thus they had saved thousands of lives.

[II] According to Mother Teresa what is the greatest deterrent of peace in the modern world and how it should be remedied?

👉According to Mother Teresa, the greatest deterrent of peace in the modern world is abortion.

Mother Teresa wanted to fight abortion by adopting unwanted children. She along with her co-workers sent words to all the clinics, to the hospitals, police stations– not to destroy the child, they would take the child. Mother also counseled quite a number of unwedded mothers to give their children to them. Apart from all these, Mother with her co-workers taught the beggars, the leprosy patients, slum dwellers and street-dwellers the necessity of natural family planning. And thus they had saved thousands of lives.


27. *What message did Mother Teresa send to the hospitals, clinics and police stations? 

👉Mother Teresa sent messages to the hospitals, clinics and police stations not to destroy the child, they would take the child.

Related Answer

Mother Teresa wanted to fight abortion by adopting unwanted children. She along with her co-workers sent words to all the clinics, to the hospitals, police stations– not to destroy the child, they would take the child.


28. What noble thing did Mother and her co-workers do with the unwanted children? 

👉Mother Teresa and her co-workers handed over the unwanted children to the families who had no children, and the noble thing was a blessing of God for them.

29. *“That is the blessing of God for us.” What is the ‘blessing’ referred to here? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2020]

👉Here the ‘blessing’ refers to the tremendous demand from the childless families for adopting of the unwanted children.

30. What were the common people taught for natural family planning? 

👉The common people were taught the temperature for natural family planning which was very beautiful, very simple, and which their poor people easily understood.

31. *What was the result of natural family planning? 

👉The result of natural family planning was thus– alone in Calcutta, in 6 years, the families which were taught the natural family planning had 61,273 babies less.

Related Question
What was the result of natural family planning according to Mother Teresa?


32. *According to Mother Teresa who “can teach us so many beautiful things”? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2015]

👉According to Mother Teresa, the poor people ”can teach us so many beautiful things”.

33. *According to Mother Teresa who are very great people? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2017]

👉According to Mother Teresa, the poor people are the very great people who ‘can teach us so many beautiful things’.

34. “She gave me her grateful love”— Who is referred to here as ‘she’? 

👉Here ‘she’ is one of four people whom Mother Teresa and her co-workers picked up from the street, and whose condition was in a most terrible condition, and who died with a smile without blaming anybody.

35. What did the man who was picked up from the drain say to Mother before he died? 

👉The man who was picked up from the drain thanked Mother before he died.

36. *What should we do to overcome all the evils? 

👉We should just get together, love one another and bring peace, joy and strength of presence of each other in the home to overcome all the evils of the world.

37. *Why did the four-year old Hindu boy come to Mother Teresa’s home?

👉The four-year old Hindu boy came to Mother Teresa’s home to give the sugar, that had been stored without eating for three days, to children in the home and share his love.

️Related Questions
[I] Why did the four-year old boy come to visit Mother Teresa?
[II] What did the four-year old Hindu boy want to do?

👉The four-year old Hindu boy wanted to share his love with the children at Mother Teresa’s home by giving them his share of sugar.

[III] How did a Hindu boy of four years old share his love?


38. *Who brought the little boy to Mother Teresa?

👉His father and mother brought the little boy to Mother Teresa.

39. *What was the age of the boy who wanted to give his sugar to Mother Teresa? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2015]

👉The age of the boy was four who wanted to give his sugar to Mother Teresa.

40. How did the four-year old child save the sugar that he shared with the poor children?

👉Without eating sugar himself for three days, the four-year old child saved the sugar that he shared with the poor children.

41. What had Mother Teresa been surrounded with after she came to Oslo? 

👉After Mother came to Oslo, she had simply been surrounded with love, and with real, real understanding love.

42. Who told Mother about the hungry family with eight children? 

👉A gentleman who came to Mother Teresa’s house told Mother about the hungry family with eight children.

43. Why did Mother Teresa go to meet the starved Hindu family? 

👉Mother Teresa went to meet the starved Hindu family to give them some rice.

44. *What did the lady of the Hindu family do after getting the rice? 

👉After getting the rice from Mother Teresa, the lady of the Hindu family divided it and went out to share the rice with a neighboring Muslim family who was also starving.

Related Question
What did the hungry lady do with the rice given by Mother Teresa?


45. “They are hungry too.” — Who said this? Who are ‘they’ referred to here? 

👉The lady of the starved Hindu family who took the rice from Mother Teresa said this.

Here ‘they’ refers to the neighbouring Muslim family who was also starving.

46. What simple answer was given by the lady of the Hindu family to Mother? 

👉The simple answer given by the lady of the Hindu family to Mother was that she went out to share the portion of the rice to her neighbouring starved Muslim family because they were hungry too.

47. *Why did Mother not bring more rice to the Hindu family that day? 

👉Mother did not bring more rice to the Hindu family that day because she wanted them to enjoy the joy of sharing.

Related Question
Why did Mother Teresa not go with more rice for the starving children?


48. *What did Mother Teresa desire to do with the Nobel Prize money? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2018]

👉With the Nobel Prize money Mother Teresa desired to try to make the home for many people that have no home.

Related Questions
[I] *What did Mother Teresa intend to do with the Nobel Peace Prize? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2023]

👉With the Nobel Peace Prize money Mother Teresa intended to try to make the home for many people that have no home.

[II] What will Mother Teresa do with the prize money of the Nobel Peace Prize?
[III] What did Mother Teresa intend to do with the prize money of the Nobel Peace Prize she received?
[IV] What was Mother Teresa’s plans for prize money?
[V] What did Mother Teresa want to do with the prize money?


49. What was Mother Teresa’s object of creating a home for the poor? 

👉Mother Teresa’s object of creating a home for the poor was to spread more and more love and bring peace with this understanding love.

50. How can poverty be removed in a financially poor country? 

👉In  a financially poor country poverty can be removed by giving a plate of rice, a piece of bread.

51. *Why was the poverty of the West more difficult to remove? 

👉The poverty of the West was more difficult to remove because that poverty was so hurtable and so much, and Mother Teresa found that very difficult to remove.

52. “Our sisters are working amongst that kind of people in the West.” — What kind of people are mentioned here? 

👉People mentioned here are those people who are shut out, who feel unwanted, unloved, terrified, and who have been thrown out from society. Mother Teresa’s sisters are working amongst that kind of people in the West.

53. *What, according to Mother Teresa, is the importance of a smile? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2019]

👉According to Mother Teresa, a smile is important because the smile is the beginning of love that forms the basis of philanthropy and mutual co-operation.

54. How much did the cripple person donate for the well-being of the distressed? 

👉The cripple person donated 15 dollars for the well-being of the distressed.

55. What was the condition of the man who donated 15 dollars? 

👉The man who donated 15 dollars had been on his back for twenty years, and the only part that he could move was his right hand.

56. “Let us make that one point” — What is the one point? 

👉The one point is that no child will be unwanted, and also that we meet each other with a smile, especially when it is difficult to smile.

57. Who came to visit the dying in Mother Teresa’s home? 

👉About fourteen professors from the United States from the different universities came to visit the dying in Mother Teresa’s home.

58. How many people did Mother and her co-workers pick up from the streets of Calcutta? 

👉Mother and her co-workers picked up more than 36000 people only from the streets of Calcutta.

59. What is the thing that a person should always remember? 

👉The thing that a person should always remember is that he should smile at each other and make time for each other in his family.

60. *What, according to Mother Teresa, is the beginning of love? [WBCHSE Class-XI Annual Examination 2020, 2016]

👉According to Mother Teresa, smile is the beginning of love.

Golam Mortuja

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