
Main Topics In English Philology

By Golam Mortuja

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Main Topics in English Philology 


Old English Prose & Poetry

Philology is the history of origin and development of a language. English originates from the languages of various Germanic and Scandinavian[Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland] tribes. They came to the island of Great Britain, where the Celts lived in ancient times. The Celtic tribes ruled over a large part of the Western Europe from the 6th to 2nd century B.C. Gradually the power of the Celts declined and the Romans prospered. The Romans captured France and invaded England twice– in 65 B.C. [Julius Caesar] and in 43 A.D. [Claudius]. England turned into a Roman colony in the 1st century A.D. The foreigners brought a superior culture and Christian religion. The Romans ruled over a large part of Europe for long. Fall of this empire was caused by the attacks of the semi-barbarian wandering tribes from Scandinavia. First they plundered wealth only. Then they began to settle in England as the Romans left their English colony in 410 A.D. Three tribes– Angles, Saxons and Jutes— captured England in 449 A.D. Gradually these three wild tribes came in touch with Roman culture and Christianity. They showed a knack for a stable social life. They started adopting Roman civilization and Christian religion. The educated Anglo-Saxons produced their own literature in their own language in the 7th and 8th century A.D. It is known as Old English Prose and Poetry.

Latin Influence on English Language 

The Anglo-Saxons learned Latin and got converted into Christianity. This event exerted great influence on their life, language and literature [Influence of Christianity]. Latin contributed much to the development of English over quite a few centuries hence forward [Latin Influence]. Influence of Latin on English language has both its negative and positive sides [Hindrance or Help].

Scandinavian Influence 

In the 8th century Anglo-Saxon literature made remarkable progress under the patronage of King Alfred. But during his reign England had to face attacks of some wandering tribes from Denmark and Germany. They defeated the Anglo-Saxons and settled in England. Their culture and language had been almost similar to those of the Anglo-Saxons when the Anglo-Saxons arrived in Great Britain. The Christianized Anglo-Saxons did not have any problem to share their kingdom with their brothers from Scandinavia [Denmark]. English was further enriched by the language of the new comers. [Scandinavian Influence]

French Influence 

Power of the Anglo-Saxons declined further after the death of King Alfred. This opportunity was utilized by William, the king of Normandy, a province in France. In 1066, the Normans captured England. The French rule brought the people of England in close-touch with the superior French language and culture. The result was further enrichment of English language [French Influence].

Consistent Period of Growth and Development of English Language and Literature & Shakespeare 

The next four centuries may be considered as the period of consistent growth of English language and literature. Renaissance movement in the 15th century is one important period in this history of development. Another important age is the Elizabethan period in the 16th century. A great development in English language and literature was rendered by the renowned poets and playwrights of the period. The greatest of them is Shakespeare. His contribution to the development of English language is remarkable. [Shakespearean Influence]

Loan Words in English Vocabulary 

Over a long period English continued to borrow words and ideas from quite a number of foreign languages with which it came in contact at different times. The role of such loan words in the development of English has been very important [Loan Words].


Different foreign influences effected various changes in the phonetic aspect of English [Constant Shift and Stress Shift]. Modern English language is the modified and improved version of the ancient Anglo-Saxon language. It has come to acquire a leading place in the world by virtue of its very prominent qualities. [Logic of English language]

Golam Mortuja

Hello! I'm Golam Mortuja is here to share with you my own creative English study materials from pre-primary level to master's and higher English competitive level for your betterment in English language and literature. So, stay updated.


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