Headmaster in R K Narayan’s The English Teacher
Love is the dominant and central theme of R K Narayan’s famous novel ‘The English Teacher’. Other themes are child psychology, life of Heaven, Nature and other social issues. The Headmaster of the school is the most significant among the minor characters in the play. He plays a significant influence on the life of the protagonist Krishna, and having unavoidable thematic in this novel. He says to Krishna, “I have created to my old self, and so don’t belong to that home in Anderson. It is all over. This school is my house hereafter.”
Contrast between the Love-relationship of Krishna and the Headmaster
Krishna’s love relationship with his wife has been compared and contrasted with the Headmaster’s relationship with his wife. The love between Krishna and his wife Susila is ideal, eternal. Death of Susila cannot bear their relationship. Even after death they communicate. But the relationship between the Headmaster and his wife is a mismatch. The wife is a rough abusing woman misbehaving with the Headmaster. When he is taking lunch with Krishna, he gently pushes it away to a corner of the leaf and says, “Please forgive me if I don’t touch it. I would sooner swallow poison that eats brinjal.” This led the Headmaster to taking up ‘Sanyasa’ in this school leaving his wife and his kids. The Headmaster’s relationship with his wife is like that of Krishna’s elder brother’s wife. Thus the character of the Headmaster plays significant role to develop the theme of love and marriage.
The Headmaster — A Superstitious Man
The Headmaster also represents an aspect of Indian–the superstitious attitude. He visits the home of Krishna at an unusual hour one night and wants to say something to him. He does not speak for a few minutes. A donkey brays and the Headmaster speaks–“It is a good omen they say, the braying of a donkey. That is why he has come to request Krishna to take charge of his school.”
The Headmaster as an Ideal Teacher
Contemporary education system, another Indian theme has been portrayed in this novel. Even he calls the students on Sundays for whiling away his time. He makes up stories, illustrates them with pictures and presents them to the children who stout with joy. The Headmaster tells Krishna that if we live amidst the children, we will want nothing else in life. He considers the children as real gods. Thus the character of the Headmaster Narayan presents his model of an ideal teacher. Through the headmaster Narayan raises his finger at the huge expenditure on school and college infrastructure. He tells Krishna– “We are poor country and we can do without luxuries. Why do we want anything more than a shed and a few mats and open air.” R K Narayan throws light in this aspect through the eccentric views of the Headmaster. He recognizes the value of games and sports, but not at the cost of education. He does not want huge expenditure to be incurred on games and sports. He corps at the sport business in the following words– “The main business of an educational institution is to shape the mind and character and of course games have their value…..”
Thus, the Headmaster plays a significant thematic role in the whole novel. He presents India’s age-old tradition of spiritualism and reminiscence. He is born sage. He finds peace in his ashram, the school among the little gods. As Krishna is also a spiritualist, he finds a healing touch in the companionship of the Headmaster and in the company of children at play in that ashram. So, Krishna says, “The Headmaster’s presence was always most soothing.”